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Community college chief executive officers and the transformational leadership style

Posted on:2005-03-28Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:New Mexico State UniversityCandidate:Taylor-Sawyer, SandraFull Text:PDF
The issues, environment, and culture in which community college leaders work today are different and more complex than those of their predecessors. Included in these environments is the projected change among the leaders themselves, specifically, the chief executive officers. Because of the number of CEOs retiring and resulting changes in the community college environment, this study explored the differences in leadership styles of chief executive officers based on nine specific leadership behaviors. College chief executive officers were divided in two distinctive groups: (1) their status of employment before becoming the CEO and (2) the term of his or her predecessor.; The literature review focused on transformational and transactional leadership of community colleges chief executive officers and the higher education environment. Observably, as compared to ten or twenty years ago, was much different in 2004. The researcher used a validated instrument, Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, developed by Bernard Bass and Bruce Avolio to conduct the quantitative study. Seven research hypotheses were investigated using inferential statistics, which attempted to determine if significance existed between the groups of community college chief executive officer on the nine leadership behaviors.; The nine leadership behaviors are identified as follows: idealized influence attributed and behavior; inspirational motivation; individual consideration; intellectual stimulation; contingent reward; management by exception active and passive; and laissez-faire. Significant difference was found. The study seems to uphold that chief executive officers regardless of their employment status before becoming leader of the community college appear to be transformational leaders. The study revealed a community college CEO following a long-term leader appears to incorporate transformational leadership. Both female and male CEOs appear to be transformational leaders. Community college chief executive officers tend to integrate transformational leadership into their work regardless of their ethnicity.; Since this study concluded before the massive number of retirements were anticipated, it will provide awareness and knowledge for future community college leaders. Additionally, it should assist leaders in working with their administrative teams, students, staff, and the community. Policy and further research recommendations as well as implications are presented.
Keywords/Search Tags:Community, Chief executive officers, Leaders
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