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Comparing the learning outcomes and course satisfaction of Web-based vs. classroom-based instruction

Posted on:2006-03-12Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Florida State UniversityCandidate:Unal, ZaferFull Text:PDF
Extensive evaluative literature has pointed to the conclusion that there is "no significant difference" between the face-to-face and the various models of distance learning, especially Internet based distance education (Russell, 2000, Wegner et al., 1999). Examination test scores and satisfaction survey results from the participants are used as evidence for most of these studies. Nevertheless, there exists the other face of the fact that Some authorities still maintain that online education is never equal to traditional classroom instruction (Phipps & Merisotis, 1999). One critic even branded virtual schools as "digital diploma mills" (Noble, 1997). There is thus a perceptible need to confirm or disconfirm the claims of both camps regarding comparable effectiveness between traditional teaching and online teaching (Ramirez, 2001).; This study presents an effort to compare traditional classroom-based instruction with online instruction. The participants of two different sections of a technology course were tapped for a quasi-experimental study. While one section of the course offered in Spring 2004 was exposed to classroom based instruction, another section of the same course offered in Summer 2004 was delivered online. Learning outcomes and course satisfaction were measured for both classes using quantitative (pretest and posttest, online readiness survey, learning inventory survey, student portfolios) and qualitative methods (focus interviews with both groups).; The quantitative results of the study show that there are no statistically significant difference in learning outcomes and course satisfaction between the two courses, suggesting that students can learn and experience course satisfaction as much online as they can in the classroom-based sessions. Also qualitative reports support that both courses were a success in terms of the learning outcomes and course satisfaction. The study concludes with recommendations for future research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Learning outcomes and course satisfaction, Instruction, Classroom-based
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