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Usefulness of instructional components, communication methods, and evaluation methods of online courses: Food and nutrition student and instructor perspectives

Posted on:2005-02-22Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Texas Woman's UniversityCandidate:Kihato, Margaret WFull Text:PDF
GTID:1457390008977162Subject:Health Sciences
Many research studies emphasize the need for ongoing evaluation of online courses to determine whether they meet student needs. The purpose of this research study was to determine (1) which instructional components, communication methods and evaluation methods students and instructors of online food and nutrition courses consider most useful in assisting student learning. (2) if there is a difference between student and instructor perceptions regarding the usefulness of the instructional components, communication methods, and evaluation methods frequently used to assist student learning in online food and nutrition courses. (3) if student age, and enrollment status impact student perception of overall educational experience. Three hundred and seventy-six food and nutrition departments at 4-year colleges and universities in the United States were surveyed to obtain a list of predominantly online basic nutrition and food preparation courses. Instructors and students of 34 basic nutrition and two basic food preparation courses at 27 food and nutrition departments were surveyed to obtain their perceptions regarding the usefulness of instructional components, communication methods, and evaluation methods frequently used in online courses.;One hundred and ninety-four food and nutrition students from 10 universities and 16 instructors responded to the survey. Seventy-two percent of the students were between 19 and 23 years old. One hundred and sixty-seven were full time, and 27 were part time. Data were compared to determine if there was a difference between student and instructor perceptions of the usefulness of instructional components, communication methods, and evaluation methods. Data were also analyzed to determine if student enrollment status and age impacted their perceptions. Students rated study questions and self-assessment quizzes as most useful while instructors perceived self-assessment quizzes, lecture or summary, interactive learning exercises and textbook reading to be most useful in assisting student learning. Both instructors and students rated course announcements as being the most useful method of communication for online courses. Other communication methods rated highly by instructors were group email, personal email, and discussion board. Students also valued discussion board and personal email. Students rated online quizzes as being the most useful evaluation method while instructors gave high ratings for written reports and individual projects. Both groups rated group projects as the least useful method of evaluation. Results also indicate that student perception of the usefulness of these instructional components increases with age.;Results of this study provide useful information for the design and delivery of online basic food and nutrition courses in a manner that best assists student learning.
Keywords/Search Tags:Student, Courses, Online, Food and nutrition, Evaluation, Communication methods, Instructional components, Useful
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