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Theoretical considerations about ellipsis: Semantic and lexicographic repercussions of ellipsis originated by lexical combination (Spanish text)

Posted on:2003-09-04Degree:DrType:Dissertation
University:Universidad de Cadiz (Spain)Candidate:Paredes Duarte, Maria JesusFull Text:PDF
Ellipsis arises in the framework of the economy of language, a well known tendency in languages. It is defined by removal of elements within the lineal disposition of discourse without any changing of meaning. However, the term ellipsis originated by lexical combination create more specific determinations in the vast field of ellipsis as a universal phenomenon of language. This mechanism, commonly used in language, implies, on the one hand, great semantic influences from a diachronic point of view, since it means semantic contamination and produces, in the majority cases, what we call semantic change. On other hand, from a synchronic point of view, ellipsis originated by lexical combination becomes a syntagmatic mechanism with clear paradigmatic consequences in the lexical field. Its intervention in the sphere of semantic relationships is of great importance as well as its study in the framework of the most varied linguistics disciplines (Lexicology, Morphology, Syntax, Lexicography, Sociolinguistics, Stylistics, Pragmatics, etc.).
Keywords/Search Tags:Ellipsis, Lexical combination, Semantic
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