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The reasons we speak: A sociocultural discourse analysis of text-based talk in a university-level foreign language classroom

Posted on:2002-05-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Florida State UniversityCandidate:Mantero, MiguelFull Text:PDF
This dissertation investigates the text-centered talk in a university-level foreign language classroom. The present study is framed within sociocultural theory (Vygotsky 1978, Wertsch 1986, 1991) in order to establish nature of classroom talk in a text-centered classroom.;The data was recorded, reduced, transcribed and then analyzed. The data was analyzed according to the level of talk (utterance, dialogue, discourse) and the level of cognition of the students' responses.;The findings revealed that the majority of text-centered talk in the university-level foreign language classroom that was studied is teacher-centered student-supported dialogue about specific or concrete aspects of the texts read.;Suggestions for further research include the investigation of oral proficiency evaluation in university-level foreign language classrooms as well as the various roles of grammar instruction and group interaction in The classroom. Also, suggestions for further investigation of teacher training programs for pre-service teachers and university teaching assistants are recommended.
Keywords/Search Tags:University-level foreign language, Classroom
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