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A political culture of conservation: Citizen action and marine conservation in the Monterey Ba

Posted on:1998-01-16Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, Santa CruzCandidate:Knight, Michelle AnnFull Text:PDF
GTID:1466390014479886Subject:Political science
Heightened citizen involvement in marine conservation efforts in the Monterey Bay region reflects the development of an underlying ethic of public stewardship. An investigation of the history of locally initiated marine protected areas and the strategies of two environmental 'battles' against development, as well as an examination of the creation of local institutions with conservation goals and the levels of volunteerism in conservation programs, highlight the sustained interaction of citizens, through political actions, in each of the processes. From this historical background, I developed the concept of a "political culture of conservation." This political culture represents an underlying set of norms and principles that guide regional citizens in defense of the marine environment. The political culture's roots are within the region's economic development history and the opportunities presented by the state for action.;Through personal interviews, historical and document research, I have attempted to demonstrate that the political culture of conservation has had important implications to the practice of environmental politics in the Monterey Bay region. Policies and programs within the region bear its influence. Citizen action is not only fueled by this ethic, but, in turn, strengthens it. The impact of the political culture is further illustrated through a case study of the history of the designation of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and its continuing growth as an institution. This work claims that the Sanctuary reflects the interests and priorities of the regional citizens of Monterey Bay, mainly due to this political culture.;Understanding the political culture of a region offers new ways to understand citizen interest in conservation and could lead to the opportunity to create more effective and efficient conservation programs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Conservation, Citizen, Political culture, Marine, Monterey, Action, Region
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