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First-grade students' achievement and attitude using two different approaches in mathematics instruction

Posted on:2002-03-30Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of AlabamaCandidate:Autry, Sallie LauniusFull Text:PDF
The differences in achievement and attitude of first-grade students in constructivist and direct instruction classrooms were investigated. The statistical procedure used to measure achievement and attitude was repeated measures ANOVA. The results indicated there was no significant difference between the pre- and post-mathematics MAT6 achievement test scores of students instructed with the constructivist approach and those with the direct instruction approach. The results also indicated no significant differences between the pre- and post-mathematics Roland Attitude Scale test scores of students in the constructivist classroom and those in the direct instruction classroom. A Pearson Product Moment Correlation (r correlation) revealed no significant relationship between achievement and attitude of the students in the constructivist classroom or the direct instruction classroom. However, the qualitative findings regarding attitudes indicated that students from the constructivist classroom were more confident in their ability to do mathematics and were better problem solvers than students from the direct instruction classroom. Interest in doing mathematics was the other factor found in this study to be an important influence on students' mathematical attitudes.; Implications of the study are that classroom teachers should design and implement effective mathematics instruction for all learners to produce a difference in achievement and attitude. A supportive environment, adherence to diverse teaching methods, and respect of the student are also important to learning outcomes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Attitude, Students, Instruction, Mathematics, Constructivist
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