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Toward a theory of professional socialization among intercollegiate athletic trainers: Implications for continuing professional education

Posted on:2001-10-09Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Northern Illinois UniversityCandidate:Pitney, William Admiral, IIIFull Text:PDF
Professional socialization is a teaming process whereby individuals develop, through personal interactions, the values, knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for a particular role. As an adult developmental process, professional socialization serves as a driving force that develops a common consciousness which has a profound impact on one's professional mission because it is primarily involved with the growth of one's thoughts, feelings, purpose, and spirit as a professional. How experiences influenced the professional socialization process and the development of a professional mission among National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I intercollegiate athletic trainers was the focus of this ethnographic study.;Three themes emerged from the study. First, a detectable process of professional socialization occurred that included: (1) envisioning the role, (2) formal preparation, (3) organizational entry, (4) role evolution, and (5) gaining stability. Second, the organizations in which the participants worked created bureaucratic influences and relations of power and authority. Subsequently, the intercollegiate athletic trainers found themselves caring for their patients despite the bureaucratic influences. Third, the nature of their professional role in the intercollegiate context appeared to create role engulfment among the participants that led to a diminishment of mission. More specifically, as health care professionals the participants recognized their responsibility to their patients in their immediate contexts, but they failed to recognize their social responsibilities and professional commitments to the common good.;As they are socialized into their intercollegiate role, athletic trainers are likely to face role engulfment and an organizationally constructed reality that deeply affects their mission and commitment to society. Therefore, the profession of athletic training would be wise to adopt adult continuing education principles in order to: (1) advocate and promote reflective, ethical practice; (2) cultivate commitment to social mission and responsibility; and (3) generate and promote professional empowerment. Such endeavors would reinforce the spirit of professionalism among athletic trainers and allow them to mitigate the bureaucratic influences in their work contexts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Professional, Athletic trainers, Among, Bureaucratic influences, Process
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