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Taxonomic revision of Clematis L. subgenus Clematis (Ranunculaceae) for Latin America and the Caribbean

Posted on:1994-03-09Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Rice UniversityCandidate:Moreno, Nancy PearsonFull Text:PDF
A revised classification of the Latin American and Caribbean species of Clematis L. subgenus Clematis is presented. Twenty-six species are recognized based on morphological and geographical data. Eight taxa not considered in recent floristic treatments (C. acapulcensis, C. affinis, C. grahamii, C. guadeloupae var. guadeloupae, C. guadeloupae var. medusaea, C. populifolia, C. polygama, C. rhodocarpa) are included. A cladistic analysis of all of the American species of the subgenus supports the division of the group into two subsections within the Section Clematis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Clematis, Subgenus, Species
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