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A Study Of Literary Representation Of Korean-Japanese's Trauma

Posted on:2015-01-10Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z X JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485304307998519Subject:Asian and African Language and Literature
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Focusing on the novels written by first generation Korean writers in Japan,this dissertation studies evolution process of anguish (trauma) in the literature of Korean diaspora in Japan.Since ancient times, relationship between literature and anguish has been the interest of both Eastern and Western literary theory.For example,"writing for grievances","injustice provokes outcry",and "adversity reveals genius" are the literary theories on the relationship between literature and anguish in ancient Chinese poetics; while "the libidinal sublimation" and "symbol of anguish" in Western poetics.Japanese writer,Guliyagawa's(????)‘'literature is the symbol of anguish" comes from Western poetics. The close relationship between literature and anguish is shown in the creative motivation of the writers, their attitudes, their sources and aesthetics. Therefore, according to Hanyu,"the sound of peace should be quiet, the sound of melancholy should be subtle; expressions of joyful feelings are limited, but there are many expressions of poverty and pains.It demonstrates the nature of literature is closer to anguish and pains than peace and joy.Such is the nature of the literature. Literature of Korean diaspora in Japan is no exception. Their literature could be seen as the sublimation of their anguish. Before liberation, the first generation Korean writers in Japan, as the diasporic community members,display their anguish as"cooperation and resistance". However, after liberation, their anguish is mainly caused by splitting of their motherland and such anguish is shown in their writings.Since1938, with the intensification of Japanese colonization and implementation of assimilation policy, Korean Japanese writers have been divided into two groups---"cooperative group" and "resistance group". Zhang Hezhou is an example of pro-Japanese group" because his novels serve for Japanese colonization. Jin Siliang, on the contrary, is generally respected as an anti-Japanese colonization "resistance writer".Zhang Hezhou's short story,"Iwamoto Volunteer",is a pro-Japanese work for it caters for the Colonial domination by Japanese Imperialism.At the beginning of his writer's career, Zhang Hezhou wrote works which had tendency of Proletarian Literature and he gained his fame for his novels of anti-Japanese rule. However, after1938, yielding to the oppressive ruling of Japan, he began to write novels to praise Japanese national policy of launching the volunteer system. The novel expresses the his gratitude by depicting a young Korean man in Japan who volunteers to join Japanese army and is eager to become"a complete Japanese"and "a true Imperial subjects". At first, Iwamoto suspects the idea that Japan and Korea has common ancestors and roots since ancient times, however, his suspicion is removed after his visit to Korea Shrine. Having heard Iwamoto's confession, the author finds Korea Shrine and sincerely prays to make Iwamoto an excellent Japanese soldier soon and prays for all Korean fellows to realize their dream of becoming "Imperial subjects". The novel emphasizes that so called "assimilation policy"is inevitable history and reasonable reality. It hopes to realization of Imperial subjects"soon. The author wrote novels of volunteer themes and serves for the Japanese colonization. It's a complete pro-Japanese novel.In"Walk into the Brightness", masterpiece of his resistance literature, Jin Shiliang exposes so called "assimilation policy" preached by Japanese Imperialists.He was put into jail twice because he violated literature norm at that time. He was banished from Japan in February1942. After coming back to Korea, he wrote literary works avoiding social issues.However, forced by the situation of Pacific War, he had to write essays such as "The Navy" to meet national policy since1943. He felt it difficult and shameful to write under Japanese Colonial rule. In order to seek for a more active way to resist, he joined Korean Volunteers under the Eighth Route Army in Taihang Mountain while visiting Hebei, China in1945.He picked up guns to fight against Japanese Imperialism. After liberation, there was very close relationship between literature of first generation Koreans in Japan and Japanese Proletarian literature. At the same time, the former is also closely related to Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the General Association of Korean Japanese. Consequently, their novels are full of ideological factors of pro North Korean leftist. It does not only reflect the politics and environment of the era in the literature of the first generation of Koreans in Japan, but also shows their understanding of reality.Jin Dashou's novella the Judgement of Piao Da, set in the contrast policy and ideology of the South and the North of Korean Peninsula, vividly depicts growing process of ignorant farmhand, Piao Da, gradually becoming a strong anti-American revolutionist. It visualizes the characteristics of the protagonist and it is both comic and satirical and therefore could be read as a satirical novella. The tragedy of the division of Korean Peninsula into South Korea and North Korea has brought anguish to Korean people in Japan. The protagonist, Piao Da, grows into a strong revolutionist. This work has a distinct socialist ideological orientation and advocates that American Imperialists should get out of Korean Peninsula. The Peninsula should be reunited by Democratic People's Republic of Korea which is striding forward to the socialist road.Jin Shifan devoted all his life in writing series of novels based on"the Jeju April3Incident" occurred in his hometown, Jeju island. Zheng Junji, the protagonist of his short story "The Death of the Crow," is not only an interpreter in the United States Army Military Government in Jeju Island, but also an agent placed in Enemy's Camp by Guerrillas led by South Korea Labor Party.Under the double pressure, he undergoes tremendous anguish and inner conflict.He's been suffering from severe mental suffering. The writer's mental crisis and Nihilistic consciousness is projected on the protagonist. Jin Shifan attempts to overcome anguish in the hearts'of Koreans in Japan by gazing at the protagonist. His novel Volcano Island is filled with Leftist ideological factors. Jin Shifan tries to reveal the brutal crime committed the U.S. imperialists and the Li Chengwan's regime by massacring thousands of innocent civilians.He expresses his political stance and cultural identity consciousness that Korean Peninsula must be united by Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Features of the novels of the first generation Korean writers in Japan after liberation are either making historical and political background of their motherland as the setting of the stories, or choosing important incidents in Korea as themes of the stories. It clearly shows their cultural identity. These writers concern the fate and liberation of their country and express their feelings towards their motherland. Regarding the attitude toward the north and south of the peninsula, they generally tend to be pro North Korean leftists.The view of the motherland in the literature of Koreans in Japan makes a contrast with that of the literature of Korean Chinese and Korean Russians who view China and Russia as their motherland.
Keywords/Search Tags:Literature of Korean writers in Japan, anguish, Zhang Hezhou, JinShiliang, Jin Dashou, Jin Shifan
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