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Research On The Trinity Prediction Model And Transformation And Upgrading Of "Popularity-Wealth-Employment" In Scenic Touris

Posted on:2022-08-16Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:R G W AFull Text:PDF
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With the development of China's social economy and tourism industry,the pace of scenic spot construction has accelerated.According to incomplete statistics,there are more than 30,000 tourist attractions in China,including tens of thousands of A-level scenic spots,which play an important role in receiving domestic and foreign tourists and promoting the development of China's tourism industry.A-level scenic spots,some of which are the sacred scenery of nature's providential creation,some of which are the precious remains of thousands of years of history and culture,play a core attraction in the development of regional tourism.Traditional scenic spot tourism to sightseeing tours,charging admission fees,is the primary form of small tourism;with the development of tourism and transformation and upgrading,certain large scenic areas to build hotels and restaurants,the introduction of tourism performances,tourism souvenirs or merchandise sales,on the one hand to promote scenic spots from sightseeing tourism to leisure and vacation,on the other hand,also promote the upgrading of the tourism industry,output greater social and economic benefits.After 2010,with the increase in the number of scenic spots and the transformation and upgrading of tourism,the scale of tourism employment in scenic spots has surpassed that in hotels and restaurants,and it has become the largest industry of tourism employment in China,thus realizing the overall promotion of tourism benefits,economic benefits and social benefits.In this paper,the tourist flow,tourism revenue and employment scale in scenic spots are regarded as three interrelated performance factors.On the basis of extensive survey and literature analysis,a conceptual model of influencing factors of tourist popularity,wealth and employment in scenic spots and their interrelationships is constructed,which provides a new theoretical framework for the prediction,evaluation and management of tourism performance in scenic spots.In order to test the rationality and universality of the above theoretical framework,this paper takes 210 A-level scenic spots in 12 leagues and cities of Inner Mongolia as cases,systematically collects relevant survey monitoring data from 2013-2017,and uses one-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis with the support of Excel,SPSS,ArcGIS and other software to construct a scenic spot tourism popularity-wealth-employment prediction model.On this basis,the transformation and upgrading of the tourism industry in Alevel scenic spots in Inner Mongolia is discussed.The main research contents and conclusions are as follows:(1)Analysis of tourism popularity-wealth-employment relationship of scenic spots in 31 provinces and districts in China.In order to test the existence of a closer relationship between scenic tourism popularity,wealth and employment,this paper systematically collects relevant statistical data to reveal the relationship between scenic tourism popularity-wealth-employment,taking 31 provincial and regional A-level scenic spots in China from 2010 to 2018 as cases.The results show that there is a correlation between "high popularity,high wealth and high employment" and "low popularity,low wealth and low employment".Among them,Jiangsu,Shandong,Zhejiang and other provinces have the largest number of A-level scenic spots,which receive more tourists.With the evolution of time,the tourism revenue of these provinces is relatively high,and the employment scale of scenic spots is also the highest in China.On the contrary,Tibet,Ningxia,Qinghai and other provinces have the least number of A-level scenic spots,the least amount of tourists received by scenic spots,and the lowest tourism revenue and employment scale in China.The popularity-wealth-employment of scenic tourism in 31 provinces in China shows a univariate or binary function relationship.A background is provided for the subsequent study.(2)Popularity-wealth-employment prediction model of Inner Mongolia tourism scenic spots.Scenic tourism is influenced by a variety of factors,including scenic level,scenic type,scenic area,tour items,transportation location,life cycle,etc.,which not only affect the flow of visitors received by the scenic area,but also affect the tourism revenue and employment scale of the scenic area.The purpose of this paper is to construct a generalized prediction model for scenic spot popularity-wealth-employment cross-sectional comparison on the basis of factor identification.In this part,this paper takes 210 A-level scenic spots in Inner Mongolia as the subject,and analyzes the influence of each factor on the scenic spot's passenger flow,tourism revenue and employment scale based on the systematic revenue of relevant data from 2013-2017 by using one-way ANOVA method.The results found that scenic area level and scenic area type have the greatest influence on scenic area passenger flow,consumption structure diversity and scenic area level have the greatest influence on scenic area tourism revenue,and scenic area passenger flow and item diversity have the greatest influence on scenic area employment scale.Based on the identification of influencing factors,this paper uses multiple regression analysis model to construct a popularity-wealth-employment prediction model for A-level scenic spots in Inner Mongolia,revealing the marginal effects of each factor under the combined effect of multiple factors,creating a theoretical basis for the cross-sectional comparison of different scenic spots in terms of passenger flow,tourism revenue and employment scale,as well as a basis for adjusting relevant factors to improve the performance of scenic spots.(3)The relationship between three factors of tourism performance in A-level scenic spots in Inner Mongolia and the surge effect of high A.In order to reveal the relationship between tourist flow,tourism revenue and employment scale of tourist scenic spots,this paper analyzes the relationship between passenger flow,tourism revenue,employment scale the number of receptions and employment scale of A-level scenic spots using regression models based on monitoring data of 210 A-grade scenic spots in Inner Mongolia.On the one hand,it deepens the group study at the provincial and regional levels and advances it to a large sample study at the scenic area level.On the other hand,an important finding is obtained,that is,scenic spots above 4A show a non-linear surge effect of passenger flow,tourism revenue and employment scale.When the scenic spot level reaches 4A,with the surge of received passenger flow and the diversification of scenic spot visitation items and consumption structure,tourism revenue and employment scale show a stronger non-linear surge.This finding provides a theoretical basis for the transformation and upgrading of scenic tourism.(4)Research on the transformation and upgrading of A-level scenic spot tourism in Inner Mongolia.From the perspective of high-quality tourism development,this paper regards the enhancement of scenic spot traffic,increase of tourism revenue,expansion of employment scale,and unification of tourism benefit,economic benefit and social benefit of A-grade scenic spot as the goal of transformation and upgrading of tourism scenic spot in the new period.To this end,a theoretical framework suitable for the transformation and upgrading of tourism scenic spots is constructed,which includes expanding the area of scenic spots,increasing tourism items,upgrading the level of scenic spots,increasing secondary and tertiary consumption,and promoting scenic spot tourism to shift from sightseeing to leisure and vacation.The paper analyzes the transformation and upgrading process of scenic spots in Inner Mongolia from the construction history of scenic spots with three cases of scenic spots,including Genghis Khan Mausoleum Scenic Area,Xiangshawan Tourism Scenic Area and Ejina poplar,and analyzes the transformation and upgrading of scenic spots in 12 leagues and cities from the group perspective of the quantity and density of scenic spots,scenic spot level and item diversity.This research is innovative in the following three aspects:(1)The prediction model of the three elements is constructed.The performance of tourist attractions mainly involves three elements such as "popularity","wealth" and"employment" scale.In this study,the factors influencing the performance of tourist scenic spots were determined by one-way ANOVA method,and the prediction model of the three factors of the performance of Inner Mongolia A-level scenic spots was established by multiple regression analysis.(2)The interaction between the three elements was analysed.The performance of tourist attractions has an interactive relationship of mutual influence and assist each other.Through analysis,this paper finds that there are binary and ternary function relations between tourist flow and tourist income,between tourist income and employment scale,and between employment scale and tourist flow.With the improvement of the "popularity" of the scenic spots,the "wealth" of the scenic spots will be improved,and more employment personnel will be added accordingly.If there is too little employment in the scenic area,it will affect the tourism experience of tourists in the scenic area,and the tourist flow will decrease,and the "wealth" of the scenic area will also decrease.Therefore,the tourism performance of scenic spot is a complex tourism system,and there is an obvious functional relationship between the three elements.(3)Transformation and upgrading of scenic spots as the goal was realized.Scenic spots are the representatives of small tourism,and the transformation and upgrading of scenic spots are the basis and typical representatives of the transformation and upgrading of tourism.Through this research,the concept of transformation and upgrading of tourism scenic spots,theory,connotation and four dimensions were discussed,and through the study of tourism scenic area,performance analysis of the three elements was carried out.Finally for the ultimate goal of transformation and upgrading of tourism scenic spots,it requires developingcreative ideas,recognizing the tourism scenic area to improve performance,developing regional tourism scenic area in healthy,orderly and high-quality manner.
Keywords/Search Tags:A-level scenic spot, Three elements of tourist, Prediction model, Transformation and upgrading, Inner Mongolia
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