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Influence Of Particle Size Distribution Of Different Kiln Cemetns On Hydration Mechanism Of Cement

Posted on:2002-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W G ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2121360032450559Subject:Inorganic chemicals
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hydration characteristics of graded cement and particle sizecooperated cement of shaft kiln and rotary kiln are studied in thiswork. Cements of shaft kiln and rotary kiln are graded into 9 kindsof particle size. These particle size ranges are o.1~o.9mm,o.o8~0.1mm,0.06~0.08mm,0.05~0.06mm,0.04~0.05mm,0.03~0.04mm,0.02~0.03 mm,0.01~0.02 mm and under 0.01mm.On theother hand, cements of shaft kiln and rotary kiln are made toparticle size cooperated cements by passing sieves with sizes of0.9mm, 0.1mm, 0.08mm, 0.06mm, 0.O3mm respectively and theparticIe size distribution of these cement samples are analyzed.Heat of hydration on very early hydration stage, chemicalanalysis of hydration liquids, hydration degree, XRD, SEM, DTAand chemical analysis of cement clinker were applied to thegraded cement samples and the particle size cooperated cementsamples.Chemical composition and mineral composition of cements indifferent range of particle size are different revealed by chemicalanalysis. This is the result of different grinding properties.Coarse particles of cement contain more C4AF, C2S and less C3A,C3S. Finer particles of cement contain more C3A, C3S and lessC4AF C2S. The shaft kiln clinker and the rotary kiln clinker aresimiIar at this point.We also find that the contribution of cement particles of 00.01mm,0.010.02mm to heat of hydration at very earIy sta9e isthe big9est. To the heat of hydration at very earIy sta9e,increasing fineness wiII do more effectiveIy on shaft kiIn cementthan on rotary kiIn cement.Chemical anaIysis of hydration Iiquids, hydration de9ree, XRD,SEM, DTA are applied to investigate the characteristics of shaftkiIn cement and rOtary kiIn cement. There is no difference on thehydrates between the two kinds of cements. The shaft kiIn cementand rotary kiIn cement have different property on hydrationde9ree and chemicaI composition of hydration Iiquids. Thesensitivity to particIe size distribution of hydration of rotary kiInand shaft kiln cements are also different. The sensitivity of shaftkiln cement is stronger than that of rotary kiIn cement.
Keywords/Search Tags:rotary kiln cement, shaft kiln cement, particle size distributionparticle size cooperated cement, graded cement, hydration
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