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Soilless Culture Techniques Of Potted Seedings Of Anthurium Andreanum

Posted on:2003-11-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H X ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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The two-year-old potted seedlings of Anthurium andreanum has been systematically studied by soilless culture in order to find out a set of comprehensive techniques including optimum illumination , humidity , temperature , substrate, nutritional solution and method of nutritional solution irrigating.Adopting orthogonal experiment design, the ratio of nutrition element,concentration of nutrition , substrate , method of nutritional solutionirrigating , time interval of nutrition application were tested. The ratio ofnutrition element was set at six levels, and the other at three levels. Theoptimeter growthing environment of Anthurium andreanum seedlings wastested by the photosynthetic rate;The important factor of the soilless culture of Anthurium andreanum seedlings was decided by variance analysis of the total areas of leaves, height of seedling, the content of chlorophyll, photosynthetic rate;The best statistical level was defined by Duncan's test;The optimum substrate and nutritional solution were determined by analysis of the major components; The requirements of macro- element at the different growth period have determined by the timing of flowering and measuring the content of N, P, K, Ca , Mg of leaves which can offer the theory of the soillessculture of Anthurium andreanum.The analysis of light saturation point indicated that the photosynthetic rate of Anthurium andreanum was very low at no-increasing humidity condition .The increase of photosynthetic rate was stopped when the light intensity reached up to 500 mol.L-1.m-2.s-1 .Thus the light saturation of Anthurium andreanum could be at considered 500 mol.L-1'.m-2, s-1 , and therefore 30% overshadow net at noon of Spring and 60% at Summer in the north of china should be suitable.By measuring photosynthetic rate under different humidity and temperature,it is found that the photosynthetic rate didn't increase when the humidity between leaves and air came up to 10.5 and the temperature of leaves came up to 28C ~29C,which indicated the optimum humidity is 90% and optimum temperature is 26C ~ 27癈 .The glassroom of double glass(be provided with heating equipment in winter )can meet the basic requirement oftemperature of Anthurium andreanum seedlings, but need artificial adding humidity .Analysis of total areas of leaves indicated that the best important factor affecting areas of leaves was the method of nutrition application. Next was the ratio of nutrition element. The quantity of growth with leading nutrition was the biggest among the levels of the method of nutrition application. The substrate didn't have much effect on the total areas of leaves.Analysis of the height of seedlings indicated that the important factor affecting the height of seedling was the method of nutrition application, substrate and the ratio of nutrition element. The best results of seedlings height growth should be the leading meathod, turves, level 1 of of nutrition. The other factors didn't reach significant levels.Analysis of flowering stage indicated that there were consanguineous relation between anthesis and areas of leaves. After a period of growth, the date of flowering with bigger areas of leaves was earlier than the smaller. It showed that Anthurium andreanum began flowering when the areas of leaves grew enough.Analysis of the content of chlorophyll indicated that the important factor affecting the content of chlorophyll was nutrition.The substrate affected little. It helped to compose chlorophyll if increasing the content of N and Mg.All the factors had obvious effect on the photosynthetic rate.The photosynthetic rate was the biggest with the ratio of nutrition 5, 0.7%o quality mark, turves, leading nutrition, nutrition application with 15 days interval.Analysis of the leaves'contents of N, P, K, Ca, Mg in different growh phases showed that the leaves' contents of N, P, K were highest at the period of elongating of pedicel,Ca was the highest when the bract was spreading. T...
Keywords/Search Tags:Anthurium andreanum, soilless culture, nutrition substrate
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