The community structure of spiders in vegetable fields and grass of Jingzhou suburb was studied in spring, which showed that: Spiders of 8 families ,13 genera and 13 species were found in grass fields, 8 genera and 10 species were found in vegetable fields. The dominance species in vegetable fields and grass is Pardosa T-insignita (Boes. et Str.), the superiority index(0.7280) in vegetable fields is higher than that(0.6226) in grass field. The second dominance species in these two fields are obviously different, in the vegetable fields is Pirata Japonicus Yaginuma, whose superiority index is 0.1674, while in the grass fields is Erigonidium graminicola whose superiority index is 0.166. The character is ties of the community structure of spiders in grass fields are: S=13, Rsh=0.494, Shannon-w=1.369, MeIntosh=0.548, Simpson=0.576. And the characteristics of the community structure of spiders in vegetable fields are: S=10, Rsh=0.355, Shannon-w=0.962, McIntosh=0.322 and Simpson=0.439. The diversity index of spiders in grass fields is higher than that in vegetable fields.By studying the foraging behavior of the spiders P. T-insignita to Atractomorpha sinensis Bolivar indoors, we can see this foraging behavior is in accordance with Holling-II type, the happening frequency is 0.9911, the disposing time is 0.2997, and the maximum foraging number is 3.3370. This type of foraging model, Na=N/(0.299700141N+1.008963) or 1/Na=1.008963/N+0.29970141, which has been tested by x2 test model, turned out to be very effective and can be used to describe the foraging behavior of P. T-insignita to Atractomrpha sinensis Bolivar.Since China has joined WTO, our vegetable production standard has to catch up with the international standard, it is imperious for us to produce vegetables without environ mental pollution. For yeas, national and international scientists have been working hard to pursue an effective way to produce safety vegetables, they experimented to use the "enemies" of injurious insects to prevent the destruction to vegetables. However, how to use spiders to do this not common, there are few books and papers on this subject available. And that's why the author chose to study how to use spiders, the special insects(which can be diverse, andfast-breeding, and have great vitality) to prevent the destruction by injurious insects so as to produce vegetables without environmental Pollution. After studying the diversity of spiders the community structure of spiders and the foraging behavior of P. T-insignita to Atractomorpha sinensis Bolivar in the vegetable fields and grass fields in Jingzhou suburb, which can be used as an important reference to estimate the foraging behavior of P. T-insgnita. |