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Research On Retrofitting Sprinkler Systems For Multipurpose Usages To Improve Farm Efficiency And Reduce Costs

Posted on:2012-04-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Mohamed Mahmoud ThabitFull Text:PDF
GTID:2143330332492811Subject:Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Sprinkler systems are usually used to supply plants for the required mounts of irrigation water; in most farms the management is buying a hug mount of irrigation system materials such as PVC pipes, sprinklers heads, foggers or any other components, in this research these components were retrofitted for multipurpose usage to solve some common problems or to improve quality, as a human health always takes an important place and workers inside farms are always exposed to fugitive dust particles generated by traveling vehicles on unpaved road inside farms a study on retrofitting sprinkler system to suppress dust emitted by traveling vehicles was required, this study based on using sprinklers to format a mist cloud droplets with a diameter between (100 to 600)μm which is the effective collision diameter, sprinklers were installed in open environment and the emitted dust were methodically calculated using different equation based on various environmental factors and forces. As a solution for PM10 airborne dust that generated by the traveling vehicles an innovation proposed in the study that claimed to be a satisfying dust suppression system in open environment that works automatically when vehicles pass under the system by generating fog of water mist that contain droplets with high collection efficiency, the innovation helps improve air quality, labor productivity, increase invisibility, the overall result of the innovation is satisfactory.The second study was retrofitting sprinklers to deterrent unwanted animals and predators, while in farms or even simple gardens an intruder animal could cause damage to freshly embedded seeds, or transplanted plants causing the loss of valuable time and work, destroy property, leave droppings, scare away other animals, harm humans, eat plants and attract other animals, sprinkler is one of the most humane animal deterrent systems because it does no harm to surrounding environment or to users unlike chemicals shocks or fences. Efficient on water usage and family safe, the sprinklers use IR sensor detection to activate the sprinklers which will spray few jets of water to startle the intruder animal, however using IR motion sensor cause unnecessary troubles such as showering human guest therefore a smart system is required, as the motion sprinkler system shows satisfying results in deterring intruder animals and predators but it still shows some disadvantages such as small coverage area and simple triggering method which cause the system to operate in the presence of any heat source that include human and machines, a proposed innovation reclaims to be the next generation of animal deterrent sprinkler system, the system was based on shape recognition system that can process images captured by a surveillance camera and compare it with images database, when the recognition software capture animal shape on camera its gives the triggering signal to the transmission box which is the link between the image processing system and the sprinkler water valve, the innovation claim to be able to include or exclude any target from being startle by the deterrent system, it add protecting personal pets from intruder animals as a main new usage advantage, beside the other advantages such as high area coverage, easy to work in the protected area, and using existence irrigation sprinklers, the present results of the innovation are very promising however more future improvements still needed,other retrofitted sprinkler where tested in this study such as retrofitting sprinklers for cooling animals and retrofitting sprinklers for fire protections, at the end the research find that retrofitting sprinklers components helps to improve efficiency and productivity whether direct or indirect way, the economic benefits of retrofitting sprinkler components shows that the income from saving them from being wasted by storage and being exposed for ruin and damage, beside the economic benefit of protecting and improving productivity, in this study two innovation were proposed...
Keywords/Search Tags:Retrofitting, sprinkler systems, dust control, air quality, animal deterrent, fire suppression, disease control
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