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Estimated Gas Emission From Forest Fire In Daxing'an Mountain

Posted on:2008-10-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F T GuoFull Text:PDF
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The arbor biomass loss is 1.13×107~1.77×107t at all types of forest fire in the past 25years in Daxing'an mountain. Thereinto, the larch forest lost 2.91×106~4.57×106t, accoutsfor 25.75%~25.82%of total biomass loss. The camphor forest lost 0.13×106~0.19×106t,accouts for 1.15%~1.17%of total biomass loss. The poplar forest lost 0.13×105~0.19×105t,accouts for 0.115%~0.117%of total biomass loss. The birch forest lost 6.45×106~1.01×107t, accouts for 57.06%~57.08%of total biomass loss. The mongolica forest lost1.72×106~2.72×106t, accouts for 15.2%~15.3%of total biomass loss. The Betula davuricaforest lost 0.47×105~0.71×105, accouts for 0.39%~0.40%of total biomass loss.In addition, the biomass loss of serious forest fires is 1.11×107~1.74×107t, whichaccounts for 98.23%~98.31%. However, the summation of biomass loss is 0.02×107~0.03×107t, which is produced by secondary fire, law-grade fire and fire alarm. It's accounts for1.69%~1.77%merely in total biomass loss. The loss biomass from shrubs is 1.4×106t in thepast 25 years in Daxing'anling region, which mainly contain ledum palustre larch forests, grassbirch forests, birch cuckoo forests and mongolica lespedeza bicolor forests. It accounts for91.34%of total losses of biomass.From 1980 to 2005 forest fire consumed 1.42×107t biomassof vegetations and ground layer in Daxing'anling regione, of which Ledum palustre-Larix,Betula platyphylla-Rhododendron simsii, Quercus mongolica-lespedeza bicolor, mongolica-Betula platyphylla are for the greatest part. It accounts for 90.34%of total losses.It estimated that forest fires released the carbon dioxide is 3.31×107~4.19×107t in all,combine with calculating biomass of all types of forest on basis of mensurate poisonous gas inlaboratory from 1980 to 2005 in Daxing'anling regione. Thereinto arbor layer understoryvegetations and litter account for 46.22%~57.52%, 3.31%~4.68%, 38.66%~48.94%respectively. The emission of carbon monoxide is 6.1×106~6.91×106t. Thereinto arbor layerunderstory vegetations and litter account for 21.8%~34.87%, 6.37%~7.2%, 62.66%~70.98%respectively. The emission of CxHy is 0.59×106~0.81×106t, thereinto arbor layerunderstory vegetations and litter account for 71.19%~79%, 3%~4.06%, 18.88%~25.9%respectively. The emission of NO is 0.64×105~0.97×105t, thereinto arbor layer understoryvegetations and litter account for 40.5%~53.25%, 5.84%~7.4%, 40.45%~51.49%respectively. The emission of SO2 is 1.91×105~2.01×105t, thereinto arbor layer understoryvegetations and litter account for 15.8%~24.28%, 8.46%~8.9%, 71.64%~75.39%respectively.
Keywords/Search Tags:Daxing'anling, Biomass, Forest type, Release, Forest fire
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