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Culture And Foreign Language Learning

Posted on:2002-01-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360032453039Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The term"culture" has been under discussion since乃for's definition in 1871.From differenistandpo恤s ofvle风 people havetrledto define culture. There aremorethan250 definitions ofculture accordingic the literature. Some wrltershavetried to reduce the vast nature of*the culture conceptic manage吻ie proportions bypr叩arlllg lists oritems or by Inalcatlllg a few broad catCgorles. Howevef3 culture hasthe charactenstlcs oflts own and It also changes accodinglywlththe socle廖 The disputC of*theC relationship between language and culture began Inthe1930s. The hous Whorf's hypothesis states adoubleprlnclple: the principle oflillglltstic determmism namely3 that the wny one thinns Is determined by the呐呷Hm聊减讪th刚1肌lp1Hfl呷u讪叮沏*IL iM d脱珊咙3*onglanguages must thereforebe reflectedlnthe differences Inthe worldvlews oftheirsp毗ers.砌 opposite polllt山few lsM呐"age r曲ets realltyg and as ie Merchanges, so will language. The debate hasbeengoing on. Therefore, we cannottakthehypothesls seriously, b成thepol血thatcultllral differences Inthe semsl:ltlcassociations evokedby seemingly common concepts Is generally acceptedilo Wad盯又 Cross-cultural communication refers to communlcatlonbetweenpeople who山n't sharethe same natlonall冰 social or ethnic origin, gender, age, occupation, orsexualpreference, thus cultural conflicts are unavold曲ie."EthnograPhyofcommunication"should beadoptd In cross-cultural communication In oder to比h爬Ve CO*in 1.---比删IVe C肚戊S. Language Is regarded asthe chleftool ofcommunlcatlon, so In foreignlangll绍e learning, we should know the socou functions or langll吗e to know howlanguage Is usedto express Individual's Intention. Slmllark the mastery of*theysoclo-cultural howledge of*thege target culttire Is ofvltal importance....
Keywords/Search Tags:culture, ethnography of communication, learning
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