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Metacognition In L2 Learning And Teaching

Posted on:2003-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y B ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After defining the term "metacognition", the author tries to explain the status of metacognition in language learning strategies. The author believes that the metacognition plays a leading role in the language learning strategies. Besides the language learning process itself, Metacognition also monitors social and affective part. Success language learning lies in the appropriate transfer of relevant strategies. This in turn is influenced by the elements of metacogition, some of which are: metamemory, metacomprehension, self-regulation, and schema training. A variety of ways used in developing metacognition are discussed, including metacogition behavior, cognitive approach in metacognition development, mnemonic devices and problem solving. After an overview of the research related to L2 learners and reading strategies, the author discusses the role of metacognitive awareness in the reading comprehension process. The author tries to verify that there are differences between the usage of the metacongintive strategies through a survey. The last part is the role of the language teacher. Since more and more people believe that teachers are not only language instructors but also learner trainers. So if they are interested in improving learners' use of strategies for learning and using the language, their roles may be changing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Metacognition, learning strategies, learner
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