The significance of micro-fiction is its depiction of seemingly ordinary or simple vignettes in a few lines. Previous studies of this genre have focused on the level of reviewing or commenting expressions from the perspective of literary criticism. At present, an objective linguistic analysis on its universal stylistic features is still lacking. Perhaps one reason for this is micro fiction's various forms, which give us a misconception that there is no regularity behind it.I shall be relying on the methods developed by functional linguists, emphasizing the context in communication as well as the interrelationship between linguistic system and the outside world. Functional linguistics is now regarded as one of the most effective tools used in stylistic analysis, which can be applied to the detailed and systemic analysis about literary genres. In the light of micro-fiction's parodies and distortions of reality and the allegorical and appreciatory functions in micro fiction, I think it is possible to explore and discuss its structural features and linguistic characteristics in virtue of functional theories. In order to reveal the stylistic features of this genre in this thesis, I shall rely on Halliday's theory of metafuntions (ideational, interpersonal, textual) as well as two of Hasan's ideas (contextual configuration and generic structural potential). I shall also employ the tertium comparison of Krzeszwoski. By using these methods and ideas, I hope to analyze micro fiction within the perspective of functional grammar in order to make an exemplifying and quantifying analysis in the aspects of transitivity, mood, thematic structure and physical structure on ten pieces of narrative micro fiction (5 in Chinese, 5 in English ), which are chosen according to the narrative structure of Labov. For one, I want to uncover the underlying structural and linguistic characteristics of this genre. For another, I want to illuminate the creative process and appreciation in micro fiction. Finally, I hope that my study shall broaden the scope of stylistic study. With recent relevant theoretical linguistic improvements, the prospect of research in this field is promising because more people are devoting their attention and energy probing the increasing popularity of micro fiction.