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On Marxist Mode Of Thinking On Practical Theory

Posted on:2005-02-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D H LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360125461467Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mode of philosophical thinking is bridge and medium by which people recognize the world, it has the character of introspection,ultimate super-empiricism ,standard. In a certain sense, given philosophy is specific mode of thinking. Mode of philosophical thinking is like "soul" which implements and controls entirely philosophical content. Principle,standpoint and category in philosophy merely is external and concrete form of it. The meaning of philosophical theory mainly lies in the meaning of mode of philosophical thinking.Certain mode of philosophical thinking always roots in the practice and scientific development of historical period; it will change with historical development. From the logic of thinking development in the world history, people have gone through mode of simple and dialectical philosophy thinking, mode of metaphysical philosophy thinking and mode of ideological philosophy thinking.Marx sublated the idealist and negative dialectics of Hegel, critically absorbed reasonable factor of Hegel's dialectics and organically combined materialism with dialectics, which caused possibly to creat Neo-materialism. Marx established the concept of scientific practice. Practice got rid of the category of ethical and moral behavior, Practice signified "the real and perceptual activity" of people, namely people started from their own need, unceasing negatived extant world by the way of themselves, accelerated the world to turn into the real world, the activity is social and historical activity. The founding of Marxist mode of thinking on practical theory led to revolutionary change of mode of philosophical thinking, which specifically embodied the change of world outlook,philosophical theory and the transform of philosophical methodology. Mode of thinking on practical theory not only represents the real meaning of the change of Marxist philosophy ,but also provides chief viewpoint and basic model for the form,rich and development of the thought ofphilosophy of Marxism, at the same time ,it establishes original base and basicprinciple, for historical development and continual innovations of entirely philosophy of Marxism, In our country mode of thinking on practical theory respectively manifests mode of thinking of practical change, mode of thinking of practical development and mode of thinking of practical innovation.The content of mode of thinking on practical theory reflects four points: lags stress on real living of practice. Explains people and relation of people and the world in accordance with the thinking of practical theory. (2) Stresses practical action and effect. Emphasizes to test cognitive truth with practical effect.Surpasses and changes present situation of things. The basic character of mode of thinking on practical theory mainly lies in its reality,particularity and medium.The position of mode of thinking on practical theory in the philosophy of Marxism inspects from three aspects:Practice is regarded as the ontology of philosophy of Marxism ,it pushes forward philosophical development .from the phase of epistemology to the new phase of practical theory .Philosophy achieves the theoretical transform from objective attitude to practical attitude, from priori thinking to practical thinking, which is the most essential meaning of the change of philosophy of Marxism.(2)In the course of people cognitive activity, All activities of people carry on under the control and arrange of mode of thinking. Mode of thinking on practical theory embodies active theory of reflection, and pushes forward the development of modern epistemology. Mode of thinking on practical theory is also the true and rational mode of thinking by which modern axiological philosophy studies axiological phenomena.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mode of philosophical thinking, Practice, Mode of thinking on practical theory, Philosophy of Marxism
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