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From The Subjective To The Full Development Of Human Kind

Posted on:2005-11-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y G HuangFull Text:PDF
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The research of subjective problem from recent philosophy has been the important occident learning thought. Almost every great occident philosopher discussed this problem after Descartes. Marx run his work on two aspect: the first is to break out of the epistemology on the subjectivity, and give the band together with human practice on the reality; the second is using the jacobinical mode to find a way to carry out the true subjectivity of human, to change the dissimilation, and carry out the full development of human. Marx paid great attention to the production of art on this meaning. Either the classical Marxian or the west Marxian, or east Europe social democracy damp and socialism with Chinese characteristics, the production of art is been regarded as a power of politics and the aesthetic expression about relation on human and reality. Chinese social productive forces obtained great progress and the productive relation became more complex along with the globalization process in the social democracy market economy phase. The taste need of people is enlarging and the multi-culture is coming to being. The meaning of Art production to the realizing people's full development is that the production try to suffice the people's taste need and establish the human realistic subjectivity over again. How to suffice and adhering the advanced culture of the socialist is the challenge in front of art production of socialist. Therefore, we should launch on our work form the theory and the practice. The theory of Chinese Marxist art production is combining of the Marxist fundament and the practice of Chinese art production at the present age. This theory's modernization will instruct the socialist art production enormously, and we can analyse the new condition in the social democracy market economy by this theory's help. The art production today must suffice not only the need of people in the quality, but the progressing need in the quantum. The art production breaks the restriction on the time and space with copy technique, profoundly changing the subjective relation between the producer and the consumer, and became the important condition of realizing the human full development. This is the "convenient form", which as a value of production.
Keywords/Search Tags:subjectivity, art production, the human full development, The convenient form
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