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The Study On Normal Instruction Of Music Aesthetic Appreciation

Posted on:2006-10-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z R XuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with the education for all-round development extensively spread in the whole country, aesthetic education, an important aspect of the education for all-round development, has been attached more importance increasingly. As the new course curriculum puts forward, music teaching takes aesthetic appreciation as the core, it can grow the students' fine thoughts, influence their feelings and form their sound personalities imperceptibly. Music teaching rises in the aspects of developing the student to appreciate beauty, and this function is irreplaceable. Therefore, it is a deserving topic to develop the students' ability to appreciate beauty in music teaching.It has been analyzed deeply that laws governing psychological development of students. Combining with the teaching practice, this paper has found a way to foster the students' ability of aesthetic appreciation.This paper puts special emphasis on developing the students' consciousness to appreciate music beauty. The formation and developments of the consciousness is subjected to the change of mental state.The following elements are interacting with each other all the time: the ability to appreciate music beauty ,the feeling to know music aesthetic appreciation, the imagination and the creation of music aesthetic appreciation of music aesthetic appreciation. They should be the main contents of music teaching and training.In music teaching, it is a main issue how to develop the student's ability to appreciate music beauty, as well as their feeling, imagination and creation of music aesthetic appreciation. It is also a main research point of this paper. This paper puts forward various path to develop student's ability of music aesthetic appreciation through a great deal of cultural heritage and the lesson examples as well.
Keywords/Search Tags:music teaching, aesthetic appreciation, the ability to appreciate music beauty, the feeling to know music aesthetic appreciation, the imagination of music aesthetic appreciation, the creation of music aesthetic appreciation
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