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Paradoxical Harmony

Posted on:2007-03-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360185459112Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In Chapter One, this thesis presents first the value and position of Milton's Lycidas in the field of pastoral elegies. Then, Milton's inheritance of the motifs of the traditional pastoral elegy ( Death and Love) in his Lycidas is indicated, in which he carried his own understanding of 'Death' and 'Love' and the relationship between them in his style.In Chapter Two, the thesis gives a description of the influence of the Renaissance thoughts about human situation on Milton's belief in death, puts the concept of "the four degrees of death" in brief by Satan's experience, and analyzes simultaneously, by Milton's great imagination and his skilful use of classical myths, the religious truth behind death:, death is inevitable for man due to the fall of the parents of man, but religious humility can help man "gain a new Eden within his own soul."In Chapter Three, the thesis first surveys Plato's theory of love, traces the reflection of it in Lycidas, analyzes respectively the effects of sensual love, soul love, self-love and God's love, and then comes to the conclusion that only virtuous love will get rewarded after the death, while evil one will lead to the fatal consequence and never cause the rebirth.In Chapter Four, the thesis discusses the relationship between death and love through the myths of Alpheus, Orpheus, and "sanguine flower": death and love are in paradoxical hannony.Death is inevitable, but virtuous love can bring a new birth, while evil one will never cause the rebirth. God may let man die of virtue in bis early years and reward him with his apotheosis which ensures his protection of the world and immortality, thus the secular love get sublimated and widespread in the world. In turn, the seeds of love are sowed.In Chapter Five, the thesis concludes that standing between the reality and imagination, Milton, as an ambitious poet, humanist and Puritan, succeeded in showing the paradoxical harmony between death and love in his mind and giving his call for virtuous love.
Keywords/Search Tags:Paradoxical, Harmony, Lycidas, Milton, Death, Love
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