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On The Acceptance Of QinGuan And HuangTingjian To DongPo's Lyric

Posted on:2008-06-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W L PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360215953468Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
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Qin Guan's acceptance of DongPo'Iyric is first embodied in the elegantlization of the Erotic Iyric. Qin introduce Su into Liu, fusing Su's elegant character into Liu's erotic subjects, and remoulding Liu's vulgar character ultimately.In contents, Qin abandoned Liu while closing to Su, which is represented in the substitution of affection instead of erotic affairs. In methods, one of the expression is using depiction and suggestion to take the place of Liu's contour drawing, which is the results of correcting Liu's discontent of the soIyricety intentionally that was expressed directly on one hand; on the other hand, he was perhaps affected by DongPo'Iyric's methods of the poetry expresses the aspirations of its author. DongPo'Iyric described loyalty and love, sorrow and happiness,"Everything is expressed in gentleness and sincerity","SpaIyricous writing, honest words", and mostly he expressed not straightly, which leaded to a deep and dim atmosphere. It seemed implicative and connotative when Qin used this lyric ways in The Erotic Iyric. Although the feelings they expressed and the scene they wanted to embody were different, their expressing ways shared some points, in other words, Qin imitated Su intentionally. In this meaning, Qin acquired the spirits of Su and the forms of Liu. Another techniques of expression is embodying the sentimentality of his own life into the Erotic. Fengxi who was born in Qing Dynasty once said"Dongpo always let the generation down, so suffered slander sharply, his allegiance, sincerity and sorrows deep in heart which was oppressed in his works. Once shown , as if he wish to ,as if not ,as if known, as if unknown .None of the later readers didn't think about it.(《The preface of Dongpo Yuefu》). Impressed by Su , Qinguan melted such"allegiance sincerity and hidden sorrow"with the traditional conception of offiIyrical and love affairs, namely the fusion of life experience and Love affairs, in Zhouji's word is "introduced the feelings of life experience into Love." Qin Guan show personal encountered sense into The Erotic Iyric far-forth attacking by innuendo Quyuan《Lisao》and part of the Love or object poems of Lishangyin and closely were copying DongPo'Iyric. Qin Guan's experiences was similar Qu Yuan's and Li Shangyin's, so were their styles in Iyric DongPo'Iyric inspired and guided Qin Guan "feelings of life experience , playing into Love," which was represented in at least two aspects : first, many works of Sushi which means parting with literatius and friends refers to the identity of the men, but more girly words as substituting. The most typical is the use of the term "beauty". These woks reprented male affections with Modal feminine terms. In Sushi's works, It's likely to keep accordance to the body of the Iyric's yin yang attributes, Qin Guan went along with this point of DongPo'Iyric. He brought men's feelings of banishment into the offiIyrical theme of Love spoke out with feminine tone. To do so, he maintain the body's venerable attribute on one hand, and express personal feelings mildly on the other hand, which Objectively brought the expression function of poem into his works. Enable Iyric have the function of Shi. Second, part of the DongPo'Iyric was embodied a sense of personal life.The elegance of Shaoyou Iyric modeled with Liu Iyric and DongPo'Iyric , the transformation at the same time, the and finally formed his own unique characters. Shaoyou Iyric come out from the late Tang and Five Dynasties'Song, abandoning WenWeiYanO's luxury language, absorbing their plain style, melted the nature of DongPo'Iyric and the popular smooth of Liu Iyric together then formed an elegant and gentle style. Down, flowing into beauty on the depth of soft elegance, the fresh style was followed by Yian., Compared to the elegance with the luxury of WenWeiYanYanO Iyric, this language style of Chin Iyric is a naturally refined progress; The depth of soft elegance undoubtedly an Elegant to Liu's vulgarity.After'shaosaint', the same destiny with Sushi, which made Qinguan's attitude close to Su's, consIyricously statement by writing Iyric.At the beginging Qin Guan have imitated the unbridled way of Su : intensive modles without chew, with the feelings but not deep enough and unsteady flowing and too frank expression in order to bring a discussion into his works.Qin Guan partly imitated the sentence style and concept of Su.DongPo'Iyric showed a recreated trend clearly, which is more and more concentrated on their own daily life. Su once being an officer of Mi, Xu, Hu county. After his depreIyrication to Huang, the trend of adding their daily life into his work increased obviously. It can almost be said that ordinary Songnese's all aspects of daily life were shown in DongPo'Iyric, the daily trends of Huang Tingjian Iyric came from DongPo'Iyric .further extending its tentacles towards everything of the daily life. The daily life trend of Huang Iyric was first manifested in the object, while Huang Iyric for tea, which is embodied this trend best. In addition to Object-term, there are a lot of Huang Iyric directly described his own daily life.Words to reflect daily life, DongPo'Iyric gained a pioneering achievement, DongPo'Iyric "no intention can not be in, no matter can not be said," personally experienced, currently seen all assimilated into Iyric; Words to reflect daily life, Huang Tingjian deepened strongly. Literatus daily life recalled, there are term performance in Huang Iyric. But Huang Tingjian's Iyric came out from the offiIyrical further into the daily lives of ordinary people, which was beyond DongPo'Iyric. In the subject, it can be said that the Literatus is most obvious in DongPo'Iyric, while the ordinary life of countrymen is most noticeable in Huang Iyric. So that from Su to Huang, which represented the developing trend from mid - to late Northern Song Dynasty of Iyric, which is the Iyricvilians and secular ruling, then turn to the ordinary life step by step.Treating the writing as entertainment, it has already emerged in DongPo'Iyric. ShenXiong once said, "such a game saint is Dongpo ; game writing into Iyric, game attitude towards writing, so was Huang Tingjian. However, game writing they did. Su Huang never belittled Iyric. In their works, it is obviously reflected that the trend getting rid of the shackles of music. One side Su Huang defied the music alienation, and on the other side reflected the attention on the text and the word itself, focus on the expression and function of Iyric , rather than rely on the entertainment functions of the music. Later, Iyric was poemed and changed from the statement to the Romantic further, which can be said it was the very root. If not ,many further deepened factors above caused it more or less .Huang Su performed the same character on the lyrical self-evident trend.Perspectiving the developing rules of Song Iyric from mid - to late in Su, Huang, and Qin Iyric, we can at least see three points : Firstly, the poem. The development of Iyric began to be closer to poetry since late Northern Song Dynasty, having achieved convergence in the realm of theme ; in style ,their boundaries constantly eliminated; the relation of text and music became alienatied; the recreational function changed into statement ;creative concepts became similar gradually; in skill further reference to the poetry field and so on. Poetic trend of Iyric became evident undoubtedly. The creative approach of "'writing Iyric as Poems", "to be in nature" gradually became popular from then on. Secondly, we must realize the Elegant. Having brought the offiIyrical daily into Iyric, the injection of true emotion and changed function from entertainment to the statement both of them can be regarded as the elegant trend. Third, the "strengthening" and "hardening" in language of Iyric .Of course, the poetizing, elegance of Iyric, as well as rigidization and strength in the language of Iyric, which we need to take notice of the trend which are virtually overlapped. From the functional aspect, the poetizing process of Iyric is mainly represented in borrowing ideas from the function of expressing wills by verse; in subjects, it is represented in breaking through the domination of The Erotic Iyric during Five Dynasties and Song Dynasty. Regardless of whether in functions or in subjects, the process of poetizing is a process of becoming elegance in the meantime. During the process of poetizing not only the function and the subject but also the mode and the method borrow ideas from the poem obviously. The adoption of method and the way in which the poem is written make Iyric more elegant, and it enhance the"strength"of the language and style of Iyric.
Keywords/Search Tags:HuangTingjian
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