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The Road To Rapprochement

Posted on:2010-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360272498665Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Following the logic of background, historic events and the causes, firstly the thesis traced the developing background of Anglo-American relations from 1895 to 1905, and then portrayed the big events that took place within this time span, at last analyzed the causes of this peaceful power transition by introducing level analysis: the transformation of international order, domestic eco-political changes and cultural/ideological affinity identification all together built an thorough explanatory framework of both the advantage in macro and micro approaches.Chapter 1 From Conflict to Détente: Anglo-American Relations in 19th CenturySince the Declaration of Independence, 2 Anglo-American wars had occurred. After the Treaty o Ghent, no war has ever happened again. From 1815 to the birth of Monroe Doctrine, then leading up to the issues of northern boundary and Central America canal in 1940s /50s, a series of fierce struggle and competition had broken out. However, they were all solved by bilateral diplomatic means. The institution of war has stepped aside making space for diplomatic functions. After the end of Civil War, Britain and America had solved the problem by British compensating America for what she did in the war. In the mean time, the means of international arbitration was gradually adopted by both countries. The general trend in this period is toward peace, but contradiction still took place from time to time.Chapter 2 the Peaceful Transition of Power in Anglo-American RelationsOnce again, the Venezuela Crisis of 1895 hijacked Anglo-American relations to the brink of war. For many reasons, America chose to stand up against Britain in the territorial dispute of no vital interests concerned. Facing the serious consequences of possible warfare, Britain and America came to terms with compromise. Britain acknowledged America's dominance in western hemisphere, thus brought the relations across the threshold into rapprochement. During the crisis and afterwards, Britain and America had launched series of coordination in American continent, including solving important issues of Central American isthmian canal, Alaskan boundary dispute and Venezuelan debt crisis. America has acquired preponderant position in American continent from Britain, while Britain has basically finished its strategic withdrawal from American continent. In the mean time, the two countries released wealthy goodwill by supporting each other in Spanish-American War and Boer war diplomatically, financially, even militarily. The benign images have been drawn to enhance the progress of rapprochement. Britain and America also activated policy cooperation in advocating"open door policy"in Asia-Pacific realm, and fight in the same trench against Russian and German expansionism.Chapter 3 the Causes of Peaceful transition of PowerThis chapter analyses the factors of international systemic changes, power shift and institutionalization in bilateral relations, the homogeneity of culture and ideology. Due to the prevalence of second industrial revolution and imperial trend of thought, Britain's global dominance was facing severe challenge. Britain has no choice but to abandon American continent due to the imbalance of power, resources and duty. While America, enjoying its geographical advantage, has accelerated its pace in state power and in building American continental system. State power imbalance also led to power shift. America has outpaced Britain in industrialization data and began its control over economy and security in western hemisphere, and a mighty fleet was being borne. Britain had no strength to carry out mounting military expenditure and the risks of war with America. Thus compromise was the only choice. The comparatively peaceful rise of America also quieted down the alert of Britain. With institutional buildings of international arbitration in long time interactions, there two countries sought a better performance of cost to compromise in this great power transition. Shared culture and blood tie deepened and widened mutual recognition, and avoid misjudgment in policy makings. The overlapping ideology and the myth of Anglo-Saxonism by elite class in late 19th century also contributed to Anglo-American rapprochement.The peaceful transition of power in Anglo-American relations is a rare case in international history and has profound influence in international situation and history of 20th century onward. It also commenced the journey of Anglo-American"special relationship". It is beneficial to analyze deep in peaceful power transition between great powers and has pragmatic implications concerning nowadays'ongoing international reorder.
Keywords/Search Tags:rapprochement, Anglo-American relations, power transition
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