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Expound Tarski's Semantic Theory Of Truth Briefly

Posted on:2011-08-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L P CengFull Text:PDF
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The Tarski's semantic theory of truth is one of three great philosophical achievements in the development of modern logic in 20th century. For one,with approaches of modern logic to study the concept of truth, Tarski established the logical semantic and brought the philosophical circle in the world spread and deep influence. For the other,though the important value of Tarski's semantic theory of truth for mathematics and logic was generally acknowledged,it caused a hot argument.As the starting point, whether or not the Tarski's theory is a kind of accordance theory causes various new views about the theory itself. This paper makes out that Tarski's semantic theory of truth and the Aristotle's accordance theory of truth came down in one continuous line.Meanwhile it stresses unique philosophical value,especially for semantics.Center on these points, this paper summarizes the background of Tarski's stemanticheory of truth,and explains the train of thought,proves the great meanning of Tarski's theory.It comments these issues for three parts.The first part, introduces background brought forward by the Tarski's semantic theory of truth mainly. Two aspect is respectively briefly explaned that Tarski's semantic theory of truth is not only the new form of accordance theory but also the new requirements brought forward by Deduce science.The second part, concentrates on expounding and proving the points of the Tarski's semantic theory of truth. This chapter is the main part of the article. It first gives on idea of the precise definision of "truth"; then starts on the discussion of the theory, illustrates the Convention T on the answer to "how to meet",concludes that the Tarski's semantic theory of truth is the development of accordance theory and points out the unique difference from accordance theory. The third part, evaluats of the significance of Tarski's semantic theory of truth. One side, this part interpretates for the theory's value on Language philosophy and Deduce science. Other side, highlights in the significance of the formal results for mathematics and logic.Besides, limitations of Tarski's semantic theory of truth compose further discuss.This article is trying to explain the relationship between Tarski's semantic theory of truth and accordance theory and show its original charm in the semantics to causes scholars to look forward to the deeper level of this thoery. And eventually realize the development of Logical philosophy, Language philosophy and logic.With rebutting misunderstandings of the Tarski's semantic theory of truth,this paper gives its own views and corresponding arguments.
Keywords/Search Tags:Accordance theory, Semantic theory of truth, Logical truth, Truth of fact, Convention T
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