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Discuss The Development Tendency About Display Design In The Information Age

Posted on:2011-06-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360308468427Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the new demands to the design are posted by the social development, display design is a media in the information distribution. Its mission is to transfer the informaion by people to people more quickly and more perfect. It represents the spirit of the time. Therefore, display design reflects the characteristic of the time. And the development of the time promotes the development of display design.The design is developing from materiality to immateriality in the information age. So the display design is growing inevitable from materiality to mimmeriality. The topic of the immateriality display design is show the design knowledge system, and its guidance is the immateriality theory. It combines with the digital technique in the information age, has a more perfect design and can adapt the development of time. The display design provides an unprecedented space, promotes its change all-round, presents some new features and advantages.The succeed display design is on the bases of resonable correlation technique, and its design methodology is by the computer-aided programmes, mitimedia technology and virtual realtiy. Therefore, non-material displayed in the study design process, we will be able to fully demonstrate the characteristics of non-material technology as a focus of the study, carried out the design of information display.The first chapter of this essay is discussing the information age and information culture, Pointed out that the information age, the phenomenon of non-materialism, in order to pave the way for the commencement of the second chapter,The second chapter discusses the design of the intangible impact of design on display and found that non-material design results in the necessity of showing its features and the presence of the necessary conditions.The third and forth chapter is discussing separately the techinical application and manifestation mode in immaterility, and the plan and design in immaterility display.The fifth chapter is analysising the development tendency about the immaterility display design. The last charper is simplly summary.
Keywords/Search Tags:immateria display design, teehnique, expresses, foregroun
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