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Construction Of Display Design Situations

Posted on:2019-09-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J W XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330548464109Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper takes the "situation" construction in the display design as the main research object,from the perspective of display design and the visual communication design research,itcarries on the analysis and the summary to the "situation" construction in display design.Through the combination of case analysis of design practice and relevant theories,this paper expounds the research purpose and significance of "situational" construction in exhibition design,and analyzes and summarizes all kinds of factors of "situational" construction in exhibition design.This paper conducts analysis from two major perspectives "display space and situational construction" and "visual communication and situational construction".The research of "display space and situational construction" includes: display process and situational construction,spatial form and situational construction,material and situational construction,display light and situational construction.The research of "visual communication and situational construction" research includes: display graphic and situational construction,display text and situational construction,display color and situational construction.It is believed that the success of "situational" construction in exhibition design depends on the interaction of various factors and the scientific and reasonable design arrangement.The existence of all kinds of factors in the construction of "situation" plays a vital role in displaying information and emotional emotion more vividly and accurately to each viewer and improving the communication efficiency of information.Therefore,the construction of "situation" plays a more and more important role in the competition of display design.Through the research of this paper,we try to provide some new inspiration for the modern display design,and put forward some ideas for the follow-up research.
Keywords/Search Tags:display design, display space design, visual communication design, situational design
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