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Study On Information Disclosure Of Holding Companies In China

Posted on:2001-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D XiaoFull Text:PDF
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This dissertation tries to discuss some problems resulting from the infOrmationdisclosure of the holding companies in our country. Then it presents some initialsuggestion of regulating the system of information disclosure in our countrythrough drawing on the experiences of other countries. In my thesis, the discussionon the information disclosure is divided in fOur parts.Part one, theoretical analysis of the infOrmation disclosure and its meaning.This thesis begins with the ubiquitous asymmetry of infOrmation in the securitymarket, explain the necessity of the regulation of the security market .Then I discussthe theories of assumption of effective market, asymmetry of infOrmation and theoryof einsttheot and agency, furthermore, l emPhasize impottant of consummating theregulation on the system of information disclosure in our country.Part two, the research results of other country. l introduce the practices of othercountries in three aspects: regulation of securities offering, medium-term reportand segment report. Mostly practices of USA and Europe. I expect that it can behelpful to the improvement of our regulating on the system of infOrmationdisclosure practices. MPart three 9 the current problems of the disc1osure in our country and myevaluation on it. In the past ten years, security market has been developingvigorously in China, but many problems are exPosed in the course of its developmentbecause of 1ate starting. Ours is a deveIoping security market,all in all a not wel1-fOrmed and nonstandard market. I point out the current situations of our securitymarket and main problems and shortages of infOrmation disclosure of the holdingcompanies.Part four, the suggestion of consummating the regulation on the system ofinfOrmation disclosure in our country. Our country is stil1 a developing countrywhich has explicit differences with other countries in economy condition. Weshouldn't copy the iniernational practice. We should absorb the methods which isapplicable to our countfy. I think that it is necessary to pay more attention to theconstruction of regulation on the information disclosure of holding comPanies.
Keywords/Search Tags:holding company, information disclosure, construction, ofregulation
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