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The Reform Of The Judge System Of China:Motive,Objective And The Way Of Realization

Posted on:2002-08-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360032455723Subject:Procedural Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the principal part of judicature, judge is the most crucial factor of judicial justice. The meaning of judicial justice is the impartial law and the justice in judicature. Judicial justice requires neutrality judge, which requires independence. A group of intellect and professional judge is the deep demand of judicial justice in balancing with efficiency. The Chinese judge whom affected deeply by the consciousness that the administrative personnel is judge, presents a scene of administration and bureaucracy. The passivity, weakness and lack of ensurance in reality are important reasons of the lack of judicial independence. The uneven and low quality of judge as a whole are the most crucial factors that affect the judicial independence and justice. The contradiction between ideal and reality can be balanced in reform, which has deep theoritic fundation and realistic deomands. The professionalize of judge which is the objective of judge system reform is the overall affect of many factors, and it is rational in existance and reliable in implement. Meeting the needs of social devolopment, conforming to the reality of politics, economy and culture, constructing the professionalize of judge from system angle are all the ways of judge system reform. The concrete method is the whole reform that make ensure the judge independence the nucleus and improve the judge quality the quintessence.
Keywords/Search Tags:the reform of judge system, the professionalize of judge, the independence of judge, the flower of judge
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