Inquiry On Certain Questions In Development Of Chinese Venture Capital In High Technology Industry | Posted on:2002-05-26 | Degree:Master | Type:Thesis | Country:China | Candidate:Q M Yin | Full Text:PDF | GTID:2156360032457099 | Subject:Management Science and Engineering | Abstract/Summary: | PDF Full Text Request | Ths thesis surnmarizes the effects of high-technology indusny inAnowledge-economy era. In accordance with the characteristics andproblems in, Chinese high-tech industry it points out that the venturecapital is the linPortant means of industrialization of the high teclinology.China is now within the pmp period of sociallst market economyThere are many objective difficulties and obstacles in the development ofChinese venture caPital. In all these problems, the author thinks the soundsoluhons to the following problerns will promote the development of ourventUre capital, and then the industriallzahon of Chinese high technoIogycan be realized. Firstly the technical innovahon should be strengthened.The innovation of technology is the imPortant prerequisite ofindustrialization of high technology. Venture capital can promote technicalirmovahon, and vice versa. via the evaluations and analyses of risks oftechnical innovahon projectS, we can raise the possibillties of success inventure capital. Secondly, ventUre capital market should be establishedand strengthened. The collechon, operahon and withdrawal of ventUrecapital all depends on market, the withdrawal channel of venture caPitalparticulary relates to whether the venture capital will succeed or not.Mly, the operating body of venture capital should be under soundregulahon. The venture caPital comPanies and fUnds shou1d be properiysupervised. It's urgent to intensny the training, incentive and regUlahon ofthe specific operahng persons-----venture caPitahsts. Fourthly, govemmentshould be given to fiJll play in the aspects of laws and regUlations,refinement of extemal environment and suPervision when developingChinese ventUre caPital. | Keywords/Search Tags: | High Technology, Venture Capital, Technical Innovation, Capital Market, Venture Capitalist, Government's Behavior | PDF Full Text Request | Related items |
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