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International Comparison Of Venture Capital And It's Meaning To China

Posted on:2004-11-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y YuanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis gives an international comparison of the venture capital investment on the technology renovation model, the types of venture investor, and ASDAQ. It puts forward a proper model of China's venture investment. The author argues that China's venture investment has experienced three phases. And the poor condition of mechanics, environment and specialist has affected the development of China's enterprises of venture investment. The thesis points out that the technology renovation model of The Japanese and the U.S can be attributed to Mix Model. The American Government is giving more and more intervening to the technology renovation model, while the Japanese is giving less and less intervening. And Chinese Government shoule reduce the server intervening and let market make its own decision. Besides, this thesis gives analysis to the types of venture investors and capital resources. It concludes that the structure of China's venture investment capitals is not proper. The thesis also goes deep into the retreat of venture capitals. It emphasizes on the retreating way of IPO by comparison with the market models, the condition of listing, the supporter system, the market maker system, the electric trading system and the monitor of the NASDAQ and the AIM. In the end, the another gives a proper model of China's venture investment, which includes the source of venture investment capital, the organizing of venture capital inventment fund, the founding of ASDAQ and the outside mechanics. The author points out that the government financial fund, institutional investors, consumers, enterprises and the fund from outside the country could all be the source of venture capital. And the forms of organization of the venture investment fund should be Government Orientation. Furthmore, the suthor insists that it is necessary to found the ASDAQ , and there are a lot of aspests that should be take into considenation in this process . Finally , the author argues that the low environment and government policy should be improved, and composite specialist should be cultivated.
Keywords/Search Tags:Venture capital, Technology innovation, Venture capital company, ASDAQ
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