The nature of decision making in a process of value discovering and judging, and behavioral choosing object can be assessed by its value. Individual decisions are unstable and have risk to make mistakes. But by aggregating the individual preferences, the varying information can been collected, and the risks that come from the individual decisions will be reduced. Moreover, facing the complicated problems, individual can't give a satisfied answer due to his limitations of ability and knowledge. For this reasons the group decision making has more advantages in the decision making. Therefore, the research of groupdecision making has been a focus and significant frontier of the research ofdecision theory. But for its internal complication, the group decision making is still a weak section of the decision making theory, and there are many unsolved problem in it. Some aspects of the theory and methods of decision following are investigated in this thesis:1. Expound the basic theory of decision making, and analyze the basic definition and hypothesis of group decision making.2. Analyze characterizations of determine set for the social choice function which domain is profiles of linear order. And then prove Arrow impossibility theorem with this characterizations.3. Under the fuzzy preference, study on the aggregation of individual preference, and prove that even when the individual preferences are exact and the social preference is fuzzy, the different definitions we choose and the different results of social choice we can get.4. Establish a new social choice function with subordinate relations, which only satisfy the condition of unrestricted domain and don't satisfy the conditions of existence of a dictator and independence of influence of irrelevant individual. Make the social choipe functions with subordinate relations become more complete.5.Assuming an odd number of voters, E. S. Maskin had provided a characterization of majority rule based on full transitivity. Recently, Donald and Jerry wanted to extent Maskin's theorem to all n, whether odd or even, and then they provided a characterization based on limited transitivity for the majority rule, which satisfies IIA. But the limited transitivity they give is very strong, itcan be found that there are some majority rules with a breaking tie and satisfying IIA, however do not satisfy the limited transitivity they give. So it is necessary toprovide a new characterization of majority rule, which satisfies IIA.6.A method to measure the voting individuals' power on the weighted vote principles with many candidates or alternatives is proposed through establishing a measuring model to calculate the difference of the preference between the individual and group and transforming this measure into the calculation of the shortest way on the nondirective graph. And then an analysis example is given. |