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Study On Current Situation And Development Of China's Bank Kard

Posted on:2002-09-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360062975730Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This essay links the management theory on bankcard and author's long-time practice experiences, by using manner of contrast analysis , historical analysis and theoretical analysis, on the base of studying our country bankcard's development, characteristic > effect and current condition, analyzes deeply what the market competition situation of our bankcard will change, prospect the opportunity > challenge and development tactics after China's accession into WTO.As a modem finance product, bankcard has many advantages, such as safety, short-cut and easy, and has many functions, such as consume, credits balance. In the past few years, bankcard's development has changed the traditional consume conception, improved service quality and benefit, reformed the manner of capital circulate, accumulated the spare capital of society, strengthen the development of electron business and the increase of national economy.On the same time, we are facing more and more great impulsion. Compared with developed countries, we have many gaps in science and technology > serve quality as well as market expending. We should try to reform management conception and system, choice collect and company models to strength competition ability in international card, overdraft-card, high quality client and brains, optimize measures to develop the whole bankcard business quickly and steadily.Postgraduate: Wang Hui-minMajor: Agricultural Economic ManagementSupervisor: Prof. Li You-hua...
Keywords/Search Tags:bankcard, development, innovate
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