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The Development Trend And Our Country's Alternative Of Financial Operation Model

Posted on:2003-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Z LiFull Text:PDF
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Financial operation model is one of the most important components of financial system. With the transformation of America, Japan, England and other country's financial operation model from unity-operation business to multi-operation, multi-operation business has become a worldwide trend. But to this day, China maintains typical unity-operation business model. Therefore, it has become a problem that if we should change our unity-operation into multi-operation business or not. In fact, many economists have done a lot of research about the problem.By using the experience of western countries for reference, this thesis analyzes the necessity and possibility of the transformation from unity-operation to multi-operation in China, and explores initially how to realize multi-operation in China.This thesis consists of four chapters:Chapter 1 mainly analyzes the influence of the two financial operation models on the stability and efficiency of finance.Chapter 2 introduces the trend of financial operation model in America, Japan, England and Germany, putting emphasis on the causes of the transformation from unity-operation to multi-operation.Chapter 3 introduces the development procedure of Chinese financial operation model, gives a detail analysis to the problems that the present unity-operation business faces.Chapter 4 analyzes the possibility of multi-operation in China, introduces the choice for the realizing forms of multi-operation in China and the tactics of how to achieve it, explores the supervision frame of financial holding company.
Keywords/Search Tags:financial operation model, unity-operation business, multi-operation business, financial holding company
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