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Equality And Democracy

Posted on:2003-03-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H F YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360065456864Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As far as the political history of world overseas Chinese is concerned ,the one of Malaysian overseas Chinese is of typical importance. The thesis tries to give a new explanation to the political history of Malaysian overseas Chinese in perspective of overseas Chinese pursuing equality and democracy. It is composed of three parts.The first part narrates history ,presenting the formation of the earlier plight of overseas Chinese groups simply.The second part analyses the full-scale plight of history .economy ,culture after the May the 13th Movement. The overseas Chinese society tried to seek their fortune in order to overcome the rattrap, eg. in support of the Democratic Action Party of the overseas Chinese society and the slogan of "the three combination "by the United Chinese Schools Committee.The third part mainly discusses "two coalition politics" which is the production of the development of the Malaysian Chinese politics, indicating the true awakening of overseas Chinese, symbolizing the new pinnacle of the Malaysian Chinese political movement...
Keywords/Search Tags:Malaysian, the Chinese politics, equality, democracy, "the three combination", "two coalition politics
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