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Research On The Impetus To The Development Of Socialism

Posted on:2004-06-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Q LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360092495804Subject:Scientific Socialism and the international communist movement
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Marx and Engles' idea about social impetus is an academic start to probing into the impetus to the development of socialism . Through their theoretical thinking during socialist revolution and construction , the great inheritors and exploiters of socialist cause had formed their outlooks on the impetus to the development of socialism: Lenin's impetus theory of non-opposed contradiction , Stalin's impetus theory of full fit , MaoZedong's impetus theory of basic contradiction , DengXiaoping's impetus theory of reform and JiangZemin's impetus theory of innovation . All of them have contributed to probing into the impetus to the development of socialism . Generally speaking , there are many impetus elements from deep to superficial layer in the organism of socialist society including people's needs and benefits , productive forces , productive relation(economic base) , political superstructure , social ideology , reform . etc . Various forces formed by the interaction of various elements constitute a comprehensive system of impetus . Among the impetuses , The basic one to the development of socialism is socialist basic contradiction , the ultimate one is productive force , the important one is innovation and the main body's one is people , and so is in other society . But in socialist society , the contradictions between productive forces and productive relation , economic base and superstructure are non-opposed ones , we can resolve them through reform instead of class struggle , so reform is the direct impetus to the development of socialism . Decided by the uniqe characters of socialist productive relation and superstructure , the working class party in power and the socialist spiritual civilization are peculiar impetuses to the development of socialism . As to China, the main impetuses to the flourish development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new century are to build the Communist Party of China by following out the important thought of Three Represents , to deepen reform and opening up , to quicken the building of national innovation system and to strengthen the building of civic virtues .
Keywords/Search Tags:socialism, impetus, contradiction, reform, innovation
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