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On The System Of Social Aid Of Our Country

Posted on:2004-04-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J M SongFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Being a major part of the Social Protecting System, Social Salvage System is also important to the Protection of Human Rights. For our society and economy have being reformed deeper, while the situations of international economy and politics have been changing after we joined WTO, it appears more and more important. Researches of the Social Salvage System seem to be necessary, not only to create and modify a special one in China, but also to provide a stable social milieu for our economic development. At present, some further researches and discussions have been made by scholars both in the fields of law and economy, even sociology. The dissertation manages to research and discuss the Chinese Social Salvage System right now in various views. It also makes analyses and provides several suggestions to law and protection measures, according to the resent problems that exist in the running of our Social Salvage System.
Keywords/Search Tags:China, Social Salvage System, Protection of Human Rights
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