Research On Enterprise's Logistics Stock Control In The Supply Chain System | Posted on:2005-01-08 | Degree:Master | Type:Thesis | Country:China | Candidate:B J Feng | Full Text:PDF | GTID:2156360122499577 | Subject:Management Science and Engineering | Abstract/Summary: | PDF Full Text Request | Modern logistics think it is business that create the third important sources of profit beyond raising labour productivity, at consumption of materials of reducing extensively already, It is the business that reduces the operating cost of production and raises the important link of the competitiveness of the products.There are two major fields in the modern logistics. First, existing in the logistics of the production field, it is the micro logistics to or is called and face the logistics of the production field and refer to the business logistics mainly. Another field is the logistics existing in the field of circulation, or is called and face the logistics of the field of circulation. Mean too that the social logistics that usually said is a macroscopical logistics category. Think and have not as unable to compare with the latter the former in thing team, business participates in the quantity, society and pays attention to the degree to study and obtain employment etc. from present situation. In general, facing the logistics of circulating nearly becomes the delegate plenipotentiary of development of logistics industry of Chinas. Artistic skills and development of the logistics of our country that that is to say, concentrate on facing the logistics of circulating basically. This must cause such a fact . Under the vigorous situation of logistics industry, the logistics development of the business lags behind very much," the logistics of China still ranges outside the gate of the business". So we strengthen dynamics carry on business the researches of logistics, make at development one mediate photogenic to cooperate, match development level between logistics and social logistics business. Otherwise, bringing the blocking of development out-of-balancly of development. It is a need of the business self-perfection to improve the logistics system of the business and meet the needs of turn of the market too. The customer has more and more outstanding and individualized demand, which leads to the fact that uncertainty increases, force the business to make the correct response to the market that is changed fast accurately fast. In addition, the fierce market competition has brought greater pressure to business day by day. As economic globalizations, era of knowledge-driven economies one arrivals is the borderless ization that businesss manage trend more obvious, The whole market competition demonstrates the obvious internationalization and integrate. Meanwhile, the swift and violent development of the new and high technology improved production efficiency and shortenned the period of model change and have aggravated the fierce degree of the market competition. Logistics very important part business stock, how improve stock control it becomes to be nowadays business focal point who logistics study already. This text is regarded business's logistics as and study the thread, discuss the development trend of the modern business's logistics and business's logistics stock control method under supplying the chain system with. It is the business logistics that the research of this text is orientated as the micro field of the logistics.The one goals of research through describing this text and nowadays business logistics the situations of development analyse the general courseses of changes logistics business, have announced the universal laws of the logistics changes of the business, show the current situation of international and logistics development of business of our country and look into the distance in future. Second, concrete researches in supplying chain system business the theory and methods of stock control, have analysed and supply several kinds of development model of stock control of the business under the chain system, and has carried on the instance analysis with the masses of the FAW-VW.The basic train of thought of this text is: Regard logistics of manufacturing company as starting point, is it supply chain with business basic theories of logistics under the system to see... | Keywords/Search Tags: | Business Logistics, Logistics Controlling, Order and click, Supply Chain Management, Vendor Managed Inventory, Joindy Managed Inventory, Electronic Kanban, Just In Time | PDF Full Text Request | Related items |
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