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Research On The Marketing Strategies Of Chinese Insurance Companies During Economic Globalization

Posted on:2004-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360122967265Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Insurance marketing has developed with the developing of commercial insurance industry. In 1950s, some insurance companies in developed countries began to use marketing theory to direct its operating activities. Now, in developed countries, insurance marketing has entered a mature phase, insurance marketing mode and strategy innovate continuously.In china, insurance industry is still a new industry. At present, there still exist several serious problems in the marketing process of chinese insurance companies, such as marketing system faultiness, over-centralization and similarity of insurance commodities, not normative operation, lack of innovation and so on.During economic globalization, with the deepening of opening door to outside in global insurance market, competition between the Chinese insurance companies and the foreign insurance companies will become intensive. Because of the homogeneity of the insurance commodities, the marketing process of different insurance companies is similar. Thus, the key points that decide the result of global competition are the service quality and the marketing level of different insurance companies. That being the case, it is of utmost significance to study the Chinese companies' marketing strategy, in order to direct Chinese insurance companies to improve the marketing level efficiently during economic globalization.From above, the author analyzed the meaning and the characteristics of insurance commodity and insurance marketing at first, thus built a theory basis of the thesis. Then, the author analyzed the experiences of the insurance marketing in developed countries to set a referring object for our Chinese companies to overtake the foreign insurance companies. The thesis also made an analysis of the status quo of insurance marketing in China. Furthermore, the thesis analyzed the inside and outside environment of Chinese companies. At the end, the author gave several pieces of advice to the Chinese insuracnce companies, such as to innovate marketing tenet, to innovate insurance commodity and service, to strengthen cooperation with other related institutions, to build CI system, to explore new marketing channel and so on. The author also gave some advice to CIRC (China Insurance Regulatory Commission)based on the market failure theory.The innovation of this thesis is as follow. The author gave the definition of insurance product from an eye of marketing, demonstrated the features and qualities of insurance marketing to reach the conclusion that insurance marketing needs go-aheadism, insurance marketing needs to extend the customer scale, insurance marketing needs to build up close customer relationship all the more, and the key point of insurance marketing is friendly service. To get the up-to-date material, the author made a survey of the status quo of insurance marketing in Beijing. Based on the result of the survey, the author reveled several serious problems that need a reform. The author analyzed the factors in the outside and inside environment of Chinese insurance marketing by using SWOT method. Finally, the author brought forward the marketing strategy of Chinese insurance companies. The author also gave some policy advice to CIRC.
Keywords/Search Tags:Commercial insurance, Insuracn marketing, Marketing Strategy, Innovation
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