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Study On The Interests Distribution Of Land Expropriation Compensation

Posted on:2005-07-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C M HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360122989073Subject:Land Resource Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Due to land expropriation , more and more land was converted from the agricultural use to the non-agricultural use and different interests bodies are purchasing the profit differential hotly. As we know, the process of land expropriation accompanied the interests reallocation, as well as a the process of interest game. So we should pay attention to the income and the development request of farmers. How to construct the land expropriation system was explored in many places. As a basic product factor, the land bear the social function of providing pensions for aged . farmers because of their lacking of labor skill. In the process of land expropriation, how to allocate the interest is a perplex. And if the compensation is too low, it will cause the land supply to be insufficient.Based on our investigation, this paper discussed this question inaspects as follows. Firstly, it introduced the current policies and laws about the land expropriation compensation, as well as the enforcement effect; after defining the concept of compensation, it proposed the counter to perfect the land market based on the analysis of flow direction of land income; and then the defective production factors market make it difficult to decide the land price, it went against the healthy development of society and economy, also it is disadvantageous of the system construction of the land tenure. And secondly, based on the investigating data, it calculated the allocation relationship among the interest bodies, and then it bring forward that we should nestle the farmers who lost their land by many possible ways to embody the capital value, also we think the key to the compensation is how to evaluate the land price objectively. Next, from the analysis above, it point out the economic reason of forming the allocation pattern of land income mainly in three aspects: 1) what happened in the game process during the bargaining among different interests bodies;2 ) how to perfect the tenure of different interest bodies concerned during the bargaining;3) account for the enforcement from the view of investment and its combination; moreover ,it discussed the system construction about the interest allocation by a public participatory approaches in the standard establishment of land expropriation. Lastly, we come to conclusions: 1) the land expropriation is a complex and severe question; 2) the land income allocation has counteraction;3) the land expropriation allocation system should be necessarily constructed.To realize the reasonable allocation of land income, from the view point of institutional adjustment, it is suggested as follows:1) Confirm the land use pattern under a just and equitable land price by land evaluation to benefit the common development of not only government and collectives but developing and developed districts through the law to establish the construction land supply way by dividing a reasonable proportion between the collective-owned land and the government-owned land.2)Make the supply plan of collective land and its function mechanism under the guide of town land use planning. Clarify the meaning of agricultural land tenure.Make good use of the collective land, and make sure that the collective land get the profit that it should get. Also, make the plan administration of construction land well. Distinguish the profitable land and the nonprofitable land during the land expropriation 3)To meet the economic development .the collective should has its own channel to supply theconstruction land by way of non-agricultural leasehold on a permission of land use regulation. 4)Adjust the strength to support agriculture after the use change to balance the interior effect caused by the land use change inside the collective according to the principle of land income belonging to itself and value-added tax belonging to the local finance. Establish a public participatory pattern in land expropriation.
Keywords/Search Tags:the land expropriation compensation, the game, interests distribution
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