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Acceptance Of Bribes Research

Posted on:2005-10-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q DingFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
World of criminal law has made a plenty of useful, exploratory on the acceptance of bribe from theory to practice. But to this days, in the cognizance on these important questions about acceptance of bribe, it isn't consistent on theory, as well as, it isn't unification on practice. i,e,if the person who assume he party duties is the principal part of acceptance of bribe in all enterprise? The things that counterfeit fake goods, guns, drugs etc contraband and other un-property profit can look as Ihe object of acceptance of bribe. This paper analysis and demonstrate the principal part of acceptance of bribe, impersonality act, criminal object and criminal conformation of the bribery crime in depth and scope, from the angle of theory combined with practice, and scientific expound the opinions on many questions of the bribery crime confirmation of crime judicial interpretative and legislative. The author also try to approach some difficult points of these crime in a deep going way, and advance individual views, expect to make the benefit for complete the crime legislation and judicial operation in our country.
Keywords/Search Tags:Acceptance of bribes, principal part of acceptance of bribe, Impersonality act criminal object criminal conformation legislative
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