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The Application Of Testimonial Evidence In Criminal Procedure

Posted on:2003-07-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N R ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The whole paper is divided in 4 chapters with preface and conclusion and contains about 27,000 Chinese characters. In the preface, the writer introduces the reason of writing this article and skeleton of the thesis.The main contents of each chapter are as follows: Chapter One: The History of Testimonial Evidence. In this chapter author briefly describes the developing history of the criminal procedure and the testimonial evidence. This chapter talks about inquisitorial system and adversary procedure, analyzes the influence of different form of action on the testimonial evidence. Chapter Two: Characteristics, Nature of Testimonial Evidence. This chapter is divided into 2 sections. Section One point out the characteristics of the testimonial evidence. And Section Two discusses about the 4 nature of the testimonial evidence. Chapter Three: The Cause of False Statements. In this chapter the writer divide the reasons of false statements into two parts. The first part is called intentionally-made false statements and the second part is called false statements caused by objective reasons. In this chapter the write try to found out the reasons of untruth statements and the way that we can found out the false statements. Also in this chapter the writer discuss about the role of rules of evidence in excluding the false statements during the criminal procedure. Chapter Four: Study on The Rules of Testimonial Evidence. This chapter discusses the following issues.:Section One briefly analyzes the objectives of the criminal procedure and their influences in making the rules of testimonial evidence. Section Two points out several principles which should be stuck to in regulating testimonial evidence. Such as the Hearsay Rule, the Cross-Examination Rule, the Subscribing Witness's Testimony Rule and the Option Testimony of Lay Witness Rule etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:Application
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