The management of the credit risk is the mainly content of the management in commercial banks, the present economy of our country is during the period of the transition from the planning economy to the marketable , the worse quality of credit assets and the expanding financial risk are the urgent questions of our national commercial bank, we must seriously analyze and study about the credit risk. Start with the very basic conception, the article analyses and ensures the basic connotation of the credit risk in commercial bank, and systematically expatiates the management of the credit risk in commercial bank , via looking back and evaluating the improvement of the model and the method about the credit risk in the twenties years , especially in the recent years , compare and analysis the Traditional Method of the Personal Analysis .Credit Evaluate System, Credit Risk[+] Model , Credit Portfolio View Model, and the recently discovered so-called inside model, for example KMV, etc. At last, combining the practical cases, the article analyze the index system of the examining and measurement of thecredit assets risk, that is currently used by the commercial bank, especially the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, basing on the analysis of evaluating methods of the credit risk and the model, and gives of some explanation about some terms and the measurement method . |