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Study On Rebuilding Equipment Manufacturing Industry In Shenyang

Posted on:2005-05-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360152467839Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Equipment manufacturing industry is the foundation stone of economic development in a country or an area. At the same time, it is the basis to strengthen a country or an area's competitive power. Shenyang, once known as "department of industrial equipments" in China, is a heavy industry base developed in the first and second Five-Year Plan. However, during the process of changing from planned economy to market economy, Shenyang's equipment manufacturing industry has been in a morass since late 1980s. Whether the equipment manufacturing industry can be rebuilt and grow up is the pivotal question for Shenyang, the old industry base, to bloom again. So, it is an urgent problem to be studied and solved.The research on rebuilding Equipment manufacturing industry in Shenyang has great importance on Shenyang's economic development in the future. In addition, it has sample effects on stimulating northeastern old industry bases and the industrialization in China. However, most of current research on this issue concentrates on macro and operational levels, there is little theoretical study. Based on a sufficient literature search, this paper started with the general problem of equipment manufacturing indusrty. Using the industry structure theory and international industry transfer theory, the author analyzed the development of Shenyang's special industries and demonstrated the inevitability and feasibility of rebuilding Equipment manufacturing industry in Shenyang. This paper's results provide theoretical reference to policymakers and help to make the policymakers' decision more scientific.This paper's structure is as follows. First, in the exploring of equipment manufacturing industry's evolvement in Shenyang, the author found that although current Equipment manufacturing industry was far less splendid than it was in 1960s and 1970s, it had advantages in permanent assets size, total economic value, technology and competitive power when it was estimated in the industry's development on country level. Equipment manufacturing industry has a very important position in Shenyang and China. This is the objective basis of the prospect of rebuilding Equipment manufacturing industry in Shenyang. As the same time, the country's policy of simulating northeastern old industry bases provides an opportunity for Shenyang to rebuild Equipment manufacturing industry. Second, under the condition of mid-term industrialization and international transfer of manufactures, the theoretical analysis of industry structure and international industry transfer demonstrated the inevitability and feasibility of rebuilding Equipment manufacturing industry in Shenyang. Third, on the basis of Shenyang's equipment manufacturing industry's advantages and deficiencies, the author put forward the keystone and policy suggestions in the rebuilding of equipment manufacturing industry in Shenyang. At last, this paper drew on three conclusions. (1) Shenyang's equipment manufacturing industry must be rebuilt and bloom again. (2) The rebuilding of equipment manufacturing industry in Shenyang has theoretical basis and practical demand. (3) Shenyang should make use of favorable internal and international conditions fully and carry out effective policy to realize the resplendence of equipment manufacturing industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shenyang, Equipment Manufacturing Industry, Industry Structure, International Industry Transfer
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