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Problems In Practice Of Crime Scene Investigation And Improving Ways

Posted on:2011-07-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J MengFull Text:PDF
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Crime Scene Investigation is thought to be the most important part of all the criminal investigation work.And because of the big workload and high technical requirements,crime scene investigation is the hardest step.As a policeman who works in the forefront of invsetigation,I know well effective exploration is the necessary power for the criminal lawsuit progress. It's quality and efficiency reveal the situation of legal system development of a country.The theory and practice of crime scene investigation contact with each other closely,so development of investigation can't be set apart from the social reality.Right now, we want to construct harmonious society and law-ruled society under the economic conditions of China-charateristiced socialism market.This is the basic characteristic of Chinese society.Then,we must take such sircumstance into acount when we want to improve the crime scene investigation.But,due to various factors,both subjective and objective, and historical problems,the situation of investigation in our coutry is not very good,and both the theory and practice of this field fell behind which in develoed countries.I wrote this paper on the basis of the great scholars and experts'points.In this paper,Iwant to show problems and shortcomings in the crime scene investigation practice of China, and analysis reasonably, and then put the improvement ways foreword. Five parts are introduced and investigated in this paper: the summary, the problems in the practice, the necessaty to improve the crime scene investigation,improvement ways and the conclusion.In the first part,I thought the scientific definition of the site and investigation.I also explore the historical origin and development of exploration in China. In the second part,problems as follows are analysed:crime scene protetion,site investigation,investigation records,and invesigators.The third part is about the necessaties to improve the crime scene investigation:exploration improvement can make the criminal lawsuit goal of punishing crimes and protecting human rights realised, adapt to the requirement of criminal legislation which is being gradually perfect ,and make efficient use of invsetigation resources.In the part of improving ways,the paper discusses the main ways of improving exploration,such as strengthen the site protection, improve the efficiency of scene investigation, regulate the record and solve the problem of the investigators.In recent years ,we called for the legal system construction.Although some of the prolems have been resolved,and some progresses have been made in theory study, it is far from enough.By interpreting the issues inexploration of our country's criminal procedure and discussioning iprovement ways,I attempts to provide some researchers and practice workers with a platform of thinking in this paper.The quality of crime site examination plays an important role in the efficiency and success of investigation directly, in some extent,it also affects the efficiency and conclusion of lawsuit. To make the crime scene investigation can play its important role in the work, we must make sure it adapts to the development of the relevant laws and regulations, the new concept for investigation should be set up, and every aspect will be continuously improved.
Keywords/Search Tags:The criminal litigation, Crime scene invsetigation, improvement ways
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