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The Tort Phenomenon And Legal Domination On Human Flesh Search

Posted on:2012-05-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B W XiaoFull Text:PDF
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"Human-flesh searching"is becoming a hot topic since the event of Chen Ziyao in Microsoft, no matter in the web or reality. In the past ten years,"Human-flesh searching"is developing rapidly as a new type of search engine. Following the end of"Death Blog","Human-flesh searching"gets more attention from the media, and the influence of it even contols the trend of some events."Human-flesh searching"has the advantages of public-information transmission, public opinion supervision, and so on. Meanwhile, the disadvantages are revealled, like: over-intervening in other's private life, unwise abuse from netizens, and this phenomenon is emerging in large numbers. This article mainly contraposes the tort behaviors, bases on the right objects such as privacy, reputation, portraiture and right of name, taking a deep research in"Human-flesh searching", and making out some suggestions on how to regulat it.In public information, show its transmission in the supervision of public opinion, implementation of punishing evildoers, etc function while its drawbacks side also increasingly exposed the personal information of others, too intervention and exposure, users not rational abuse insult, seriously disturbing others normal life rest, and such events have intensified trend. According to the present situation of the understanding of infringement of privacy,, this paper mainly based on reputation and image and name right and other rights of human flesh search "object" of the in-depth analysis and advice on how to guide the development of its standard forward some helpful advice.Part 1 of this article is the introduction of "human flesh search" ,including the concept, characteristics, and the developing history, tried to analyse the "human flesh search" characteristic thoroughly. According to the discription of Part 1,the second part emphasize on the invasion of privacy, reputation, portrait, name rights by "human flesh search". The third part mainly analyze defects in the tort system refracted by "human flesh search" phenomena, these are basically because that the system supply shortage, slack regulation, industrial self-discipline consciousness weak, etc. The fourth part put forward some advice on "human-powered search". After building up the target of health search and rational search , the governance of network supplier, target, netizens, regulators tripartite should be regulated more particularly,especially the requirements of individual identification policy should be carried out. This paper also gives out some opinions on the perfection of laws and regulations and the convention of online self-discipline.Throgh the joint endeavor, it is hopeful to lead"Human-flesh searching"to a rational and healthy way, to make it become an effecient tool on spreading the good and beauty without any abuse of civil rights.
Keywords/Search Tags:"human flesh search", privacy, rational search, health search
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