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Research On The Effect Of S&T Business Incubators Accelerating The Changes Of Technological Paradigms

Posted on:2006-10-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360152989445Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Paradigm is a way that people observe the world and practise science, and it is also a synthesis of basic theories, viewpoints, methods and technological resorts of a subject which is mastered together by the commonly personnel. Paradigm regulates the development direction of the subject, too. Technological paradigm is a pattern that solves special technology and economy problems, and it defines the further innovation of technical chances and the basic level of their utilization. Therefore, technical innovation can be regarded as the changes of technological paradigms. When the characteristics of the technology change, it will cause technical innovation, and the changes of technological paradigms sometimes will happen. That's to say, the occurrence of technical innovation means a new paradigm instead of the former one. The target of S&T business incubators is to serve the innovation of the high-tech industries. So the author put forward the opinion that S&T business incubators are catalysts, which can accelerate the changes of technological paradigms effectively. S&T business incubators prop up the new technologies; they filtrate the innovative technologies which have market foreground from the technology clusters; they boost the occurrence of the positive exterior characters and the generation of the convergency and scale effect; they also build up the innovation abilities of new technological paradigms in enterprises. To hasten the changes of technological paradigms and drive the development of high-tech industries, S&T business incubators must strengthen its construction and incubate people's thoughts and study abilities. We should choose and cultivate the incubator managers who are competent at their jobs so that they can lead the S&T business incubators to serve the technical innovation. Furthermore, the system innovation of incubators ought to be reinforced in order to find the best operation mode of business incubators.
Keywords/Search Tags:paradigm, technological paradigm, changes of paradigms, technical innovation, S&T business incubator
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