On The Evolution Of The Political Philosophy Paradigms | Posted on:2011-05-21 | Degree:Doctor | Type:Dissertation | Country:China | Candidate:Z X Liu | Full Text:PDF | GTID:1116330332472496 | Subject:Marxist philosophy | Abstract/Summary: | PDF Full Text Request | It is generally accepted in accordance with philosophical circles that there are three rational, that is objective reason, subjective reason, and inter-subjective reason. Philosophy is a rational explanation of the whole world in its totality. That there are three different rational viewpoints means that there are three self-evident Archimedean points.On account of different reason, three basic philosophical paradigms of thinking are constituted,which are the paradigm of ontology, epistemology, and the paradigm of human activities. Political philosophy is based on reason. Political philosophy can be divided into three paradigms:the paradigm of ancient political philosophy based on objective reason (also called the paradigm of good political philosophy); the paradigm of modern political philosophy based on subjective reason (also called the paradigm of right political philosophy), and the paradigm of post-subject political philosophy based on intersubjectivity reason (also known as the paradigm of post- right political philosophy).The paradigm of ancient political philosophy is based on objective reason. What the objective reason is concerned with is the highest good idea; human destiny; way to achieve the ultimate objective.Philosophy of objective reason implies that the destiny and the value of human beings can be deduced from the basic structure of the existence (that is, from "yes" can be launched "should"). Thus the paradigm of ancient political philosophy is political philosophy about "good" which takes the highest achievement and objective morality as the highest purpose of social life. So the ancient political philosophy is related only to practice. Ancient justice means that people must follow "law"(ie natural law). Act of justice is an obligation. The freedom that the paradigm of ancient political philosophy promised is a so-called "ancient human freedom".This freedom is a kind of active participation in the political practice of freedom. Paradigm of ancient political philosophy is often associated with teleology. Paradigm of ancient political philosophy is often associated with farming civilization. With the development of commodity economy in the late Middle Age in Western Europe and the rise of cities, Western Europe came into the modern industrialized society gradually. The fundamental feature of modern society is the separation of political state and civil society. It is the fundamental changes in the way of production of human society that inevitably lead to fundamental change in the pattern of political thinking.What is indispensable in civil society is freedom, without which there will be no production an exchange of commodities. It is in the public large-scale social production and exchange of goods that freedom and equality was declared a common right of a capitalist society. The founder of the paradigm of modern political philosophy is Thomas Hobbes.It is he that pointed out for first time that people had liberty of self-preservation of life in natural state. The state's legitimacy is built on the basis of people's authorization. The reason that underlies modern political philosophy is the subjective reason and modern political philosophy is about rights. Hobbes regarded "natural rights" (ie the legitimate aspirations of individuals) as the basis of political philosophy in an unprecedented clarity but not from divine law, moral law.The freedom that modern political philosophy promises is one of modern man which refers to the freedom of private life under legel protection.Reflection of political modernity is about the political philosophy on right based on subjective reason. Communitarianism holds that self-concept viwepoint of liberalism is abstract,and liberal concept of rights will lead to Atomism. From the perspective of intersubjectivity, people reflect on the republican ideas of Rousseau's from the "people sovereignty" to "totalitarian". Hayek criticized constructivism from the point of "knowledge separation".It is because the political philosophy of right based on subjective reason is a philosophy of consciousness that peole call for a new paradigm of political philosophy in the post-metaphysical era. The political philosophy paradigm of post-subjecivity resorts to inter-subjective reason and return the world of life. While the new concept of justice stresses the priority of rights, it also advocates the integration of rights and good.
| Keywords/Search Tags: | Rational, Paradigm, Paradigm of political philosophy, Good, Right | PDF Full Text Request | Related items |
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