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Analysis Of The Criminal Prevention And Control Mechanism Of The Environmental Crime

Posted on:2007-08-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360182973283Subject:Environment and Resources Protection Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The environmental crime has brought certain impact on traditionalcriminal law theory as a kind of new-type crime. The prevention andcontrol mode of the environmental crime is unable to totally followtraditional criminal law. So, constructing the new criminal prevention andcontrolling mechanism to solve this problem is extremely urgent. Thistext analyses it from criminal aspect, regards prevention mechanism inadvance and responsibility mechanism afterwards as the main point, andthis text advocates setting up two-way controlling mechanism which isdifferent from the traditional single mode. First, it analyses justice ofcriminal law that sets up the two-way mode. Then it puts forward the newview of the preventing mechanism, advising studying from securitymeasures system of foreign countries. The new system will play a part inthe relief of criminal activities and controlling the emergence ofenvironmental crime in time. Because of the particularity of theenvironmental crime, it is responsible to adjust some relevant theories ofcriminal law to the reality while investigating the responsibility of thelawbreaker. It accords with the characteristic of the criminalresponsibility mechanism of environmental crime . This text seeking fromlegislate angle, administration of justice, enforcement of the law aboutenvironment to suit environmental responsibility mechanism of crime .Such numerous disciplines theories have been adopted as environmentallaw science of research, criminal jurisprudence, philosophy, economiclaw science in this text.It also adopts example analysis, comparativeanalysis way and absorbs the research experience of the country whoselaw , use for reference environmental law go ahead of the rest countries.It combins environmental law of our country and the research currentsituation of criminal law, then constructs the criminal prevention andcontrol mechanism of environmental crime which accords with thenational conditions of our country.
Keywords/Search Tags:Environmental crime, criminal prevetion mechanism, criminal control mechanism
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